Vacant Real Estate Staging - PHD's niche market
Peak Home Designs & Staging has enjoyed developing vacant parcel staging. We work closely with the listing realtor(s) and seller(s) to present a property booklet and service that goes steps beyond.
We offer the service to make hellicopter narratives for our large land parcels, one of kind properties and developments. The narratives included all flight time to and from, to make sure the client gets an overview on the surrounding areas history, recreation, towns and much more. The clients and buyers airtravel often includes the use of surrounding private helicopter pads or small private airports for ground showings, which can be arranged.
Each time we do vacant land staging service we find we are adding more items to bring to the buyer. We are here to show case the property above all others. Most parcels are so unique. Some of our parcels housed historic sites, mines, springs, and rare trout.
Peak Home Designs & Staging has work in this niche market for three years.