Longview Washington Market Report for 2013
Real estate market data for Longview Washington provided by Venancio Gonzalez of Cowlitz Real Estate.
Longview Washington Market Activity
The 2013 real estate market activity for Longview Washington run the normal yearly cycle staring with very little activity during winter, very active during spring and summer, then slowing down again during the fall season. Even though we went through the normal yearly cycle, most areas of the real estate market saw some kind of improvements during 2013 compare to 2012. Closed sales went from an average of 29 a month in 2012 to a 40 in 2013, pending sales went from an average of 31 to 42, the new listings coming on the market went from an average of 54 to 57, all this activity brought inventory down about 5%.
At the end of the year (December 31 2013) there were only 169 available homes in the the longview Washington real estate market making it the lowest inventory since the market was at its peak in the mid 2000s. Days on market decreased slightly from 99 days in 2012 to 95 days in 2013. Price per sq ft increased about 8%. All these are good sign for sellers not so much for buyers. Low inventory, increasing pending and closed sales, less days on market and increased price per sq ft are good indicators that home prices eventually will go up as we already seen in some areas and price ranges in 2013.
Even though these changes are small, they are encouraging indicators that we are in the right direction to a recovery from the recession and if continue we should see a much stronger Longview Washington real estate market in 2014.
Current Market Inventory
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To find out what your Longview Washington home is worth in to days market e-mail me or call 360-751-4001