Why should I check for bed bugs,
I only stay at the nicer hotels?
So there has been a growing concern lately about the spread of bed bugs in the Sacramento area. In fact, it may be a growing concern in your area too. It is something that is costly and a real chore to get rid of. Don’t assume it can’t happen to you.
Working in many apartment communities, I have gotten to hear about many of the concerns of apartment managers and maintenance staff members. Asbestos, lead paint, mold concerns have been around for a while but the newest is the bed bug.
Bed bugs do bite. The bug needs blood to survive and humans are the best target; pets have hairs too close together for the ability to easily reach the skin. They hang out in little crevices of the mattress and clothing and when a warm body is near, it likes to get some blood.
The population will grow quickly, and you will likely finding adults, young and eggs all at the same time. The bed bugs must be treated to eliminate them from the apartment, hotel, or home. The best remedy for the problem is to not bring them into your home.
Where would I get these bugs?
Many are brought in by being somewhere that has them, and they can cling to you until you get somewhere else. If I go into an apartment with bed bugs I could be the carrier to my own home or even another apartment that I’m working in.
It is important to know where to look for these bugs, identify them and treat the problem right away.
Where could you get them?
Since they are carried, you can find them in places where you travel. Hotels are a prime example. People come and go through hotels, the bed bugs can be introduced from a visitor. I think I will touch on where and how to look for the pests in a future blog. It really doesn’t take long to check and you may sleep better knowing about the bed bugs not biting at night.