Good Customer Service is Good Business
We interact with consumers on a daily basis. Whether it'd be with consumers we hope become clients, consumers who are already clients or clients that we helped in the past and hope we can help again.
In hopes of turning a leads into a client we first have to build consumer relationships. The keyword being "relationship."
This is one of the reasons why meeting face to face, after the initial phone call is so important for me. I want to meet my potential clients face to face.
The minute some stops being a voice in your hear or a message in your inbox, that is when you can truly gauge if they are the right fit for you. They are now a real person. Someone you can shake hands with and look in the eye.
This is the fundamental difference between brands and consumer relationships. An agent or company can have the best public brand, be associated with the best work but it is in their individual consumer relationships that they may win out over the competition.
Simply put, customer service. It all comes down to that, doesn't it?
How a company interacts with its consumers will make all the difference. In the end, that is what sets one company apart from the rest of the companies that do the same thing.
As a consumer myself, I like to feel like my woes are being heard and my needs are being met, even if I'm only a small fish in a big ocean. I want to feel that the person on the other side of the phone has my best interest at heart and all this happens in customer service. Ultimately, good customer service will lead to good consumer relationships so that confidence in your product (and your service) becomes a valued commodity.
I founded my company on these values because I know how it can feel to talk on the phone with someone who isn't local or isn't even in the continental US. It's not the same as talking with someone that you know can meet with you face to face, especially when you're thinking about getting a reverse mortgage.
As stressful a process as it can be for some people, knowing you have an agent right there to help at your finger tips makes the process a lot easier. A brand can get the phone ringing but excellent customer service will keep them coming back.
Interested in a reverse mortgage or simply want more information? Give PS Financial Services a call at (888) 845-6630 or via email at