From a dear friend and fellow Southerner, Rusty Dempsey:
Dear Northern Friends (current and transplants),
Yes. We know. We know that you all grew up with ice and snow every winter. We all know that you still went to school with many feet of snow on the ground. We all have heard and seen on tv that some have had to crawl out of windows to get out of their houses after blizzards. That is or was your experience.
Many of your Southern friends have never had experiences like that. Us older folk have seen snow in slightly measurable amounts (1-3 inches is incredible for us) maybe 3-4 times in our lives. And, when those extremely rare times happened, it was like a miracle. You wake up to see everything covered in an inch or two of snow, and it looks like something from a movie.
We get out our pots and pans (who has a sled) and played and played and played knowing it was soon to disappear.
Today, as adults, we still get excited at the slightest idea that we may see the white stuff, or that the kids will be able to experience what we were able to experience a few times in our childhood.
So, when we post all over Facebook about sleet and snow and post photos of our car thermometers, just know that it comes from excitement.
I always compare snow in our area to seeing a Unicorn. Imagine how excited you would feel if you saw one of those in your yard.
Peace & Love,
Southern Boy