I want this to be information one just usually doesn’t hear. If you have I would like to know if you haven’t all the better you’ve learned something today. With that being said here is the information for you to consider today.
From its early use as “a cart for carrying heavy loads” to the modern “motor vehicle for carrying heavy loads,” the word “truck” definitively embodies the idea of moving goods—but the idea has come a long way. The last one for today is: In ancient Greece, natural hair was viewed as sacred. In fact, Greeks would often hang the hair of the dead on their doors previous to interment, and mourners would cut their own hair to place on the corpse.
Now go out and tell the world of your new found knowledge. Smile it will make people wonder what you’ve been up to. Join us tomorrow for another journey into the wonderful world of Wordsmith. Click on the link below. Who knows you may learn something along the way and some of the words may even bring a smile to your face.