We all enjoyed the beautiful snow yesterday. While the sun did come out today and melt some of it away, it will take a warm up tomorrow into Friday to clear most of our driveways and roadways. If you’re experiencing some cabin fever and want to get out for an evening of fun why not take a short drive over to Young Harris College and the Rollins Planetarium.
Each Friday night guests can enjoy a great show in the Planetarium. If the night skies are clear, the Young Harris College Observatory will open immediatelly after the Planetarium shows. The YHC Observatory is a short 1-½ mile drive from the Campus to Twiggs Overlook on the exit road leading from Brasstown Valley Resort.
You’ll be fascinated by a a guided tour of the constellations featuing a Schmidt-Casegrain telescope. Depending on the skies, observing sessions can last up to an hour!
Presentations normally begin at 8 pom mid-August thru April and then 8:30 pm from May to early August. You’ll want to arrive early for the best seats and, of course, once the doors close no late seating is permitted. Admission is $5 for Adults, Children and Non-YHC Students are $3 and YHC Faculty, Staff and Students are Free.
Get out and enjoy a fun evening but don’t forget to take warm coats, hats, gloves and even a blanket to the Observatory.
Bill and Cyndi
PS -Our 20-year old daughter and a group of her friends visited the Planetarium and Observatory last Friday night. If you can impress this group it's a good show and they loved it!!!