Hello Everyone,
It seems as if the offers I'm writing in this day and time and the market we are in have been extremely difficult. Buyer are wanting to low ball and sellers are taking these offers personally. And as hard as we try as agents to keep this from happening it does anyway. The past few days I have been on both sides, I have written a low offer for a client and as hard as I tried to get my client to keep the offer real or counterable he just was not going to change his mind so as you know with a lot of these low offers they don't work out and my clients are like " Well I cannot believe they didn't counter back any lower" and then they are upset that it didn't work out and I'm trying to tell them there is a point or an amount that if you fall below it the seller is going to take it personal it does and will affect the counter offer. I imagine that all of you are seeing a lot of the same things, my business has definitely picked up but we are working a lot harder to get these offers worked out. I hope business is good for each and every one of you.
Take Care & Good Selling,
Gary Love
When It Comes To Real Estate"Love Is All You Need"