Where did January go? We've knocked one month off the 2014 calendar and continue to fill the Rain Bucket with editorial love. ActiveRain University has written a post on best practices and Kris even started a media team for those interested in spreading their name and expanding their reach.
Let's take a look at a few Rainers who made the last week of January a successful one.
Patching Up Business
Betsy Purcell got picked up by her Patch.com chapter by using the infographic AR provided regarding Biggest Home Seller Mistakes. Fred Carver was successful on this approach as well on Realty Times.
Inman Love
Greg Harrleson's post, Say No to Selling and Yes to Serving was picked up and featured on Inman this week. He talks about the "game changer is how the consumer attitude matures without the industry taking notice".
Mistakes & Crooks
The top clicked on post last week was ActiveRain's Seller Mistakes Infographic with Noah Seidenberg's Crooks Are Stealing Houses coming in 2nd. Many of the comments on Noah's post are words of thankfulness, as they weren't aware of this particular problem.
Pinning is Winning
Bobi Bigelow's pins are getting her extra exposure and look great too. Pinterest drives a ton of traffic, all of your posts with pictures should be pinned.