Prior Agents Make the Best Clients
I had the pleasure of wrapping up 2013 by completing transactions with two clients who were both prior agents; one a buyer, the other a seller. Initially, I was apprehensive because each had several years more experience in the industry than I do. However, I didn't get too far into either relationship when I realized prior agents can make the best clients. So much so, I think I should make this my niche! Looking back at the transactions, there are a few reasons why.
1. Prior Agents Respect Their Agent's Time: All agents have them; clients that don't quite get it. Those that think we're sitting around all day with nothing to do. They think nothing about scheduling several showing appointements only to cancel 30 minutes before they are supposed to meet their agent because one of their friends called and invited them to go shopping or some other lame excuse. Obviously, everyone doesn't do this stuff, but too many do.
Prior agents don't do that. When these clients said they would be somewhere it was a committment not easily broken. They understood I have other clients and committments. They understand this behavior is the same as stealing because you cannot simply recover the lost time; not only the time wasted setting up showings, but the several hours now free that could have been spent helping someone else.
2. Prior Agents Know What They Don't Know: While these two agents knew a lot about real estate, they both knew they were not current on what the market was like. They understood their absence over the last few years put them at a disadvantage. They asked questions and paid attention to the answers. They understood they had hired someone to help them buy and sell their properties. So, when I spoke, they listened and used that advice in making their decisions. Neither of them always followed every recommendation, but that is far less important than listening to the advice and using it to make their own decisions.
Conversly, some non-prior agents seem to want an agent only to have someone to argue with. They know more about the market, are better negotiators, and have learned everything HGTV has to offer. I find myself wondering why they even hire an agent. I've even had to let a few of them go.
3. Prior Agents Know How To Communicate: They know how to communicate both in the method and the message. They understand agents have a lot going on so they leave messages when no one answers the phone. They use email and text messaging. They actually check their email daily. As for the message, they convey clearly what they want their agent to know. They know an agent can only help them if he or she knows their goals, likes, and motivation. They answered the questions I asked with clarity and detail. For example, when I asked my buyer what style of home she preferred, she replied "Any style. No mansard roofs, I won't even go in one!" That was clear. Guess what roof styles we didn't waste time on?
Rarely do you get that kind of availability and clarity from all clients. Many do not leave messages, they don't check messages, and don't answer their phone. I always adjust my method of communication to the client's desired method. However, too many clients don't have a method and that makes it very difficult.
Someday when I'm no longer in real estate and looking to buy or sell a home, I hope I remember the lessons my last two clients of 2013 taught me and that I will be as good of a client to my agent as these ladies were to me.