
How Good is Your Attitude?

Mortgage and Lending with PS Mortgage Lending 305-791-4874 or 888-845-6630 365768

How Good is Your Attitude?

A good attitude is one of the most important components of having a successful business. Attitude, for the most part, determines your day, especially if you are in the business of customer service. If you have a bad attitude, you'd be hard pressed to find a customer who would appreciate being treated badly because your attitude is anything less than satisfactory.

Attitude also determines your success. If you're positive, even in the face of the most negative consequences, eventually, it will all work out. In truth, most of the negative aspects in our lives can get worked out but a positive attitude can go a long way in making the road to success a lot more hospitable.

Not to mention the days when everything seems to be stacking up against you, maintaining a positive attitude can make the day a lot better. Things will get better, you have to believe it will before it does. That will make all the difference.

A bad experience can be a learning experience or it can be "the end of the world." Determining which world view you take will determine your course of action. In the face of "the end of the world" most people would give up, but what about a learning experience?

You take what you learned and move on. There's need to stress about it, just take what you can from the experience and put it into use in the future if the same situation ever pops up again or adapt it to other situations.

The point is, the difference between "the end of the world" and a learning experience is attitude?

Make the best of every experience, positive or negative, because how else would we learn? There's only so much we can learn from others before we have to experience life ourselves and make the best of it.

Attitude...a "little" word that makes a "big" difference.

Interested in a reverse mortgage or simply want more information? Give PS Financial Services a call at (888) 845-6630 or via email at

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Phil Stevenson

PS Financial Services

Owner and Principal Mortgage Originator

Certified Reverse Mortgage Professional (CRMP)

LO #365768

NMLS #968090

Cell: 888.845.6630

Miami Mortgages & Florida Mortgages

Copyright © 2013 by Phil Stevenson & PS Financial Services, LLC

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Grant Schneider
Performance Development Strategies - Armonk, NY
Your Coach Helping You Create Successful Outcomes

Phil - yes we sometimes let disappointments affect our outlook and our attitude.  When we let that happen it spirals out of control.  Your words about failures being a learning experience will give us the courage we need to move forward.

Feb 05, 2014 12:07 AM
Rob Marken
Bend River Realty - Bend, OR
25+ years experience in Bend

Great point! I  agree a positive attitude is so important in business and a positive upbeat attitude seems to draw customers in.  Thanks for sharing. 

Feb 05, 2014 12:34 AM
Phil Stevenson, CRMP
PS Mortgage Lending 305-791-4874 or 888-845-6630 - Miami, FL
"Mortgage Nerd" in Miami, Florida and Texas

Grant, thank you for your kind words. Indeed we all have failures, but the greatest failure is in not trying (as cheesy as it sounds). The fact of the matter is, if we don't try, and take those failures as learning experiences, how do we get better at anything? Whether it'd be our personal lives or our professional lives. We learn from experiences and sometimes failure is just part of the equation.

Rob, I agree. Positivity is infectious, it draws people to you in a positive light and repels those who are a constant dark cloud. No one wants a pessimis professional, they want a positive one who will calm their fears and do what's best for them.

Feb 05, 2014 02:24 AM
Rebecca Foresee
Alain Pinel Realtors - Morgan Hill, CA
Let's foresee the possibilities . and get results!

Phil, I always enjoy your posts because you deliver great information with a good attitude!  It's not so much that we fall down, because we all do - it's that we get back up and keep going.  Thank you for the reminder!

Feb 05, 2014 12:10 PM
Phil Stevenson, CRMP
PS Mortgage Lending 305-791-4874 or 888-845-6630 - Miami, FL
"Mortgage Nerd" in Miami, Florida and Texas

Rebecca, it's definitely more about getting up than falling down. We all have hills to climb, hurdles to jump, it happens. How we face them and, most importantly, what we learn from those obstacles is what makes us grow as professionals.

Feb 06, 2014 01:13 AM
Sheila Anderson
Referral Group Incorporated - East Brunswick, NJ
The Real Estate Whisperer Who Listens 732-715-1133

Hello again Phil. We certainly were on the same page. Well done Phil, well done.

Feb 06, 2014 03:03 AM
Phil Stevenson, CRMP
PS Mortgage Lending 305-791-4874 or 888-845-6630 - Miami, FL
"Mortgage Nerd" in Miami, Florida and Texas

Hey Sheila, we certainly are. There are plenty of ways to go about a negative or bad experience, we must always chose the one that is best for us.

Feb 06, 2014 03:25 AM
Debbie Reynolds, C21 Platinum Properties
Platinum Properties- (931)771-9070 - Clarksville, TN
The Dedicated Clarksville TN Realtor-(931)320-6730

Attitude is all important Phil. We can make the day better just by controlling our own attitudes.

Feb 06, 2014 06:22 AM
Debbie Reynolds, C21 Platinum Properties
Platinum Properties- (931)771-9070 - Clarksville, TN
The Dedicated Clarksville TN Realtor-(931)320-6730

Attitude is all important Phil. We can make the day better just by controlling our own attitudes.

Feb 06, 2014 06:22 AM
Phil Stevenson, CRMP
PS Mortgage Lending 305-791-4874 or 888-845-6630 - Miami, FL
"Mortgage Nerd" in Miami, Florida and Texas

Debbie, this is true. How we learn to control our attitude, in any given situation, may just be the key to success. We can't account for everything, but a good attitude goes a long way.

Feb 06, 2014 11:08 PM
Donna Foerster
HomeSmart Realty Group - Parker, CO
Metro Denver Real Estate Assistant

Hi Phil, attitude and mindset are what success is all about. I truly believe in the law of attraction. Negative brings more negative

Feb 27, 2014 08:48 AM
Phil Stevenson, CRMP
PS Mortgage Lending 305-791-4874 or 888-845-6630 - Miami, FL
"Mortgage Nerd" in Miami, Florida and Texas

Donna, I agree. We feed off the people we surround ourselves with, sometimes it's not enough to be an optimistic person. We also need to surround ourselves with like minded thinkers if we hope to remain positive.

Feb 27, 2014 11:29 PM