
New Health Care Law could hit your pocketbook....Hard!

Services for Real Estate Pros with Randi Brammer, Acctg.

While we don't know all the implications of the new law, we do know that there will be some.

Especially for higher wage earners.

But low wage earners need to be watchful also.

You need to get informed NOW so you are ready for next year.\

Talk to a Tax Professional soon and don't be caught in the dark.



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Trisha Bush-LeFore
Preferred Properties Land & Homes - Walla Walla, WA
Providing Realtor Services in the Walla Walla Area


Thanks for the heads up on the Health Care Law.

Feb 10, 2014 02:32 AM
Than Maynard
Coldwell Banker Heart of Oklahoma - Purcell, OK
Broker - Licensed to List & Sell - 405-990-8862

Not sure getting informed will do a lot of good. What with the 'law' being continually changed, delayed and ignored by the Feds and 0bama.

Feb 10, 2014 03:05 AM
William Feela
Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.

Randi, this is important.  Many people are looking for a good dealand there is a lot on the back end of this foolish law.   There are going to be a lot of surprises

Feb 10, 2014 04:31 AM
Rob Arnold
Sand Dollar Realty Group, Inc. - Altamonte Springs, FL
Metro Orlando Full Service - Investor Friendly & F

My policy is cancelled effective this June thanks to the ACA or so my insurer's letter told me.  The cheapest equivalent policy on the exchanges is $269 per month higher and $2000 higher deductible.  My conclusion is that the ACA only benefits people who can qualify for the tax credits (welfare).  Anyone else is going to pay much higher. 

Feb 10, 2014 08:58 AM
Randi Brammer
Randi Brammer, Acctg. - Hinckley, MN
Accountant & Tax Preparer

Thanks to all who commented.  More and more info comes out everyday.

It is possible that if you get a supplemented policy, you may not get a refund.  Talk with your tax preparer and see how much they know

Feb 11, 2014 12:16 AM
Vern Eaton
Askov, MN
Realtor 651-674-7449

I am in that group for now and I have already been told that at least some of my refund will be taken

Feb 11, 2014 12:45 AM
Karl Hess
Keller Williams Shore Properties - Barnegat, NJ
on The Jersey Shore

Some Americans will pay more, some will pay less, depending on several individual factors, including age, health status and where they live. Experts have long said younger, healthier Americans would likely pay more on the individual market, while older or less healthy folks would pay less. And aKaiser Family Foundation study supports that.

Feb 11, 2014 02:01 AM
Fred Griffin Florida Real Estate
Fred Griffin Real Estate - Tallahassee, FL
Licensed Florida Real Estate Broker

     It is a total failure on every level...from the website debacle to the cancelled policies to the staggering increases in costs and deductibles.

Feb 11, 2014 11:02 AM
William Feela
Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.

Karl...The foundation needs to update their study.  My ins. went up 28%and I am no spring chicken.

The part that Randi has mentioned is when you file your taxes that is where it is going to hit a lot of peopleand many of the issues are still not known.

Here in Minnesota, I found only one person where the premiums went down and it was about $15.

I have realatives in 5 states.  Checking with them, not one of them saw lower premiums.

Feb 11, 2014 12:51 PM