
Snow Time in Fayetteville, NC

Real Estate Agent

Sitting here all comfortable and warm inside my home in Fayetteville we hear report after report of the pending icy rain forecast for us tomorrow.  Fortunately the cabinets are filled, milk is in the frig and gas for the fire place is ready should we lose power.  I sure hope the power companies have done their tree trimming.  Snow here is so rare and four inches almost unheard of.  I had to just pause and take in the creative way these tiny white flakes transform our landscape into a very picturesque scene of serenity and purity.  We enjoyed watching the birds flock to our feeders today too and had to refill them before sun down to ensure all comers got their fill.

The broker in me is also hoping this unusual midweek down time will give all those home buyers and sellers time to enjoy and do some thinking and perhaps research on what they want in a new home or from the sell of their property.  Wonder how many contacts I can touch base with tomorrow and have a meaningful chat with about their needs.  

I hope all of us in these southern states find the weather threat hype was over done and everyone gets through the next few days safe and warm with great family pictures for their albums.

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Allow me to service your residential and commercial needs in the region surrounding Fort Bragg/Fayetteville, NC.  

Phyllis M. Owens, Broker       Logo

Owens Consulting & Real Estate Services

Cell:  910-824-4149

Office:  910-222-2800

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