
Intl Real Estate - How to Avoid the “Three-Margarita” Mistake, Part 2

Services for Real Estate Pros with Kaigai Lifestyle Properties Inc.

Part 2 in a series about Buying an International Property 

Beach on the Placencia Peninsula in Belize

Hello again from the fascinating world of international real estate. If you read my first post in this series, you’ll know that it’s my mission to help people find, purchase, and utterly adore their homes in foreign real estate markets.

Today, as they say, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is you have some homework to do. The good news is you can do it from your favourite armchair. I’m talking about saving time, energy, money – even heartache – by evaluating potential properties before you fly off to visit them.

Today’s lesson: Identify and understand ALL your needs PLUS the needs of everyone else affected

CLICK HERE to read the entire article

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Sue Coleman
Direct: +1-289-242-4775
Direct fax: 1-866-632-1297

Skype: suecolemaninternational

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