Now Offering eEdge Over the Phone Training
After almost a year in the Hendersonville office assisting with training and seeing how even seasoned agents are struggling with the eEdge System, I have put together a way to teach people anywhere in the country, via phone.
Here is the format for someone who is new and needs it all. And for those who are seasoned but need assistance with one particular aspect, just pick the section you need. I can walk you through any part of the system and make you a pro in no time.
Section One
Show the starting point for How To Videos on the system
Set Up Your Profile Website to reach 100%
Section Two
Setting Up Your Two Emails
Section Three
Walk Through My Contacts
Add Yourself as a Contact and Understand the Importance of Groups and Status, and Import/Export
Section Four
Walk Through of eEdge Tabs
Fill in My Account Page, complete with Images
Set Up Alerts for Phone and Email
Set up MLS IDX Feed
Overview of Messages, Webmail and Reminders
Overview of eEdge Website
Section Five
eAgentC website including:
Explanation of Domain Names
Check Contact Info
Explanation of editing pages and editing content
Setting up IDX
Familiarize You with Your Mobile App
Section Six
My Transactions:
Introduction to DotLoop System
Fill in Personal info for Auto Fill
Set Up Templates for Buyers and Sellers
Explanation of starting a new Loop.
Introduce you to the Greensheet for payment at closing
Show location for Video Tutorials for future assistance
Section Seven
My Marketing:
Show location for marketing material
Show how to enter and create a flyer and/or postcard
Show how to send them in an email, or set up for printing
Introduction to Campaigns and how to use them
Section Eight
Introduction to the KW Intranet for access to the calendar and inner office area.
Locate Graphics and Vendor information.
If you are struggling with the eEdge system stop struggling and get some help. This list can be done as just a one time call, or for everything. The order is up to you.
Call me at (828)553-5190, or email for more information.
Now Offering eEdge Over the Phone Training
Jerri McCombs, Virtual Assistant