Why Don't People Buy From You?
I came across a video this morning by Mark Satterfield and the first line was "Why Don't People Buy From You?"
I watched it because it peaked my curiosity, even though I am not selling products or services that he is talking about. He started off naming very good and obvious reasons, which are pretty typical. For example cost and someone else having a better back story than you. But then he said something that really caught me in an Ah-Ha moment.
People don't use you because of RISK. How do they know that they will get their money's worth?
In Real Estate, the stakes are pretty high for buying a home. A huge investment for almost anyone, the home they may stay in for a very long time. Are you worth the risk?
Most people in my area are moving here from someone else and they have to depend on the smarts of a Realtor they hire before they even come to town. This is a huge risk.
So how do you shine and look better than all of the rest of the agents that are all over the web? How do you show you are not only smart, but that you have what it takes to lead them to the perfect home and guide them through the perfect closing?
I am now re-evaluating myself, my website, my web presence, anywhere that I am out there. I have decided to take on a month long rehab of ME!
What about you? Do you need a rehab program for the next month? Share what you do. And show people you have what it takes to gain their trust for the largest purchase of their life.