
Market Reports

Services for Real Estate Pros

They may not be the most exciting posts to create but they're very interesting to readers in your community.  The monthly Market Reports are informative while keeping your name relevant and brand alive.

ActiveRain University has more information to teach or refresh you with best practices when producing Market Reports.

Market Report Blogging

Example of a Market Report Blog

Keep in mind that you won't be getting many if any comments on these posts.  Consumer-based posts don't normally rake in the comments.  After you write your posts, wait a few days/weeks and check your Stats page (located in the top Nav bar).  Pay attention to the Clicks column to get a good feel of how many people are finding your blogs.

If you get into the habit of doing these each month you'll pick up more readers, clicks and exposure.

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John Wiley
Fort Myers, FL
Lee County, FL, ECO Broker, GRI, SRES,GREEN,PSA

I appreciate the helpful information and the encouragement.

Keep it coming.

Feb 20, 2014 09:06 PM
Carolyn Roland- In Delaware and S. Chester County PA
Independent architectural histor'n - Wilmington, DE
Carolyn Roland, GRI, CRS

I had put up 3 market reports earlier this week, and I have received a few comments, but from out of my area, which is OK.

Mar 09, 2014 08:39 AM