
WCR ... District VII Forum ~ 6/17/08 ~ Crystal River, FL

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Scates Realty & Investment Properties

District VII Forum ~ When:  June 17, 2008 ~ Where: Crystal River, Florida

Why Attend?

  • An opportunity to gather information that will put you a cut above your business competition.
  • Meet your fellow District VII Women's Council of Realtors members in a networking environment.
  • Pass out your marketing materials, to gain future referrals, and get their materials to refer your customers to them.
  • Last, but not least, have a great time!

Plan your schedule now, to include this important event. If you think that you will participate, please let me know if you will be going over the night before. Melonie Haag needs a head count to book the rooms in advance. If we have enough people staying the night, we will get a discount on the room rate. We need to guarantee 10 rooms to get the $105.00 rate. Of course, you can share rooms to keep down the cost.  Forward your name to me if you plan to stay overnight.  Let's have a great turnout from South Lake!  Email me: