
Blogs Agog!

Home Stager with Scene Change Inc.


 BLOG (bläg)


a journal or diary written for public viewing on a website and consisting typically of personal reflections, commentary on current events, etc. arranged chronologically

AGOG (ə gäg′)

adverb, adjective

in a state of eager anticipation, excitement, or interest

Welcome to my First Blog  

Some friends of mine from the worlds of staging and real estate encouraged me to post on Active Rain.  I've been staging for several years and like to think I am a decent writer, so I am uncertain about the source of my inhibition or why I demurred from blogging in the past. 

Perhaps it is stage fright.  I mean, HELLO!  Never did I imagine I would run into a mob of stagers from across North America who are so talented, professional in their approach, and prolific all the same.    

Active Rain.  I am not sure how the name of this website originated, but it has a certain duality of fogginess/clarity that is genius.  It signifies to me a sense of turning a negative (rain) into a positive (action), suggests a Native American dance to bring forth the abundance of rain... a healthy crop and reaping the harvest. 

It also includes the word ACTIVE.  Sometimes I sigh as I remind myself how tough the real estate market is these days.  But then I must ask myself:  Am I ACTIVE enough in reaching out to the staging and real estate communities?  Am I ACTIVELY promoting my staging business on a daily basis?  Probably not!

So it is here I will start my blogging journey.  In keeping with the Blog Agog title, I promise to write a public journal related to staging with the humble desire to hold my readers in a state of eager anticipation, excitement, or interest!   (Keeping my fingers crossed that my blog will not be renamed "Blogs AGag" by the humorists among you!)

I look forward to getting to know my fellow stagers, realtors and all who are interested in the Staging industry.  

Sarah DuHaime





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Julia Maher
Nestings: Connecticut Home Staging and Model Homes - Fairfield, CT
Connecticut Home Stager
Welcome to AR, Sarah - you have a lot to offer!  Julie
Mar 21, 2008 07:37 AM
Connie Tebyani
Platinum Home Staging, Inc. : RESA-Pro - Calabasas, CA
Platinum Home Staging, Los Angeles and Ventura County

Welcome and have fun with it. It can be ahuge release as well as a wealth of infoormation, not only from others, but an enlighteneing journey about yourself.


Mar 21, 2008 07:46 AM
Barbara Cluck-Miksits
BCM Home Staging LLC - Ridgewood, NJ
Home Staging - New Jersey

Sarah- I am so glad you did it! You are going to love putting your thoughts into ACTION here at AR.

YOU GO GIRL! It was a pleasure meeting you at the meeting, I look forward to talking with you again.



Mar 21, 2008 08:06 AM
Juliet Johnson
Vizzitopia - St Johns, FL
Jacksonville Photography & Digital Marketing

It is so important to be in 'action' at all times when growing a business.  It's easy to get side-tracked creating stationery, business cards, the perfect logo.  We all do it.  Yet none of those are income producing activities.  Is blogging, you may ask?  At the beginning, my husband would often wonder why I spent so much time poking about in the 'rain'.  I didn't know either at first.  It was just somethign I was drawn to.  I learned a lot, found like-minded folks I immediately liked and enjoyed being here.  Then, I noticed my ranking on Google start to move up a bit.  Then my phone rang a little more often.  Now it's a necessity.  Not every day, but as often as there is something to say, for sure.  And there's always something to read and someone to learn from.  It's habit-forming!!

So, welcome, Sarah!  It's about time, my friend.  Nice post... if a little intelligent-sounding.  We's from Jersey, you and I...we don't oughta upset the State's Tourist Board or nothin'.

Mar 21, 2008 08:14 AM
Elaine Manes Gage
Home Staging Online Services - Denver, CO
Staging done ONLINE!
As a transplanted "Jersey Girl", I'd like to say welcome to AR!!! We may criticize bad decorating, bad staging, bad staging TV shows, and bad hair (no, wait, that's just something I do) we will NEVER criticize bad blogging!!!
Mar 21, 2008 08:29 AM
Royal Goodman
Royalty Home Solutions - Madera, CA
"We Treat You Like a King"
Sarah. Welcome and I hope I see more blogs from you soon. Thanks for posting. Royal..
Mar 21, 2008 08:34 AM
Sarah DuHaime
Scene Change Inc. - Denville, NJ

Ok Juliet, lemme dumb it down a bit... YO!  We got stagin' heah in da Garden State.  You gotta crank it up to sink da sale.  LOL!  Cleah out da cluttah, move da furnitah around and create a focal point, OK?  An none of dose fake flowahs, ok?  Yeesh.  An what is wit da 72" TV wit surround sound speakahs in every cornah?   Evah heard of BOSE? 

Elaine - Joisee Goil - right back atcha!

Barbara - thanks for the comment, though you didn't mention my leopard coat?  ;) 

Mel/Steve/Julia/Connie:  Thank you so much for your warm welcomes.   It means so much, esp. being my 1st blog.   Thanks.   =)

Royal:  I just LOVE your name!  Thanks for the welcome.



Mar 21, 2008 08:39 AM
Kathy Passarette
Creative Home Expressions - Mount Sinai, NY
L.I. Staging/Decorating
Sarah ~ Welcome to Active Rain!  Looking forward to reading what you have to impart to us!
Mar 21, 2008 08:40 AM
Charlene Storozuk
Dezigner Digz - Burlington, ON
Home Stager - Burlington Ontario
Hey Sarah!  Welcome to Active Rain.  If your first blog is any indication of what's to come, I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts.  You're going to love it here on AR, but it sure is addictive!
Mar 21, 2008 08:59 AM
Sarah DuHaime
Scene Change Inc. - Denville, NJ

Hi Kathy & Charlene,

Thanks for welcoming me to AR!  I've seen both of you post and look forward to reading more about your experiences as well.



Mar 21, 2008 09:21 AM
Debra Brodhecker
House Dressing - Branchville, NJ
House Dressing, New Jersey


Welcome to Active Rain!  Great first blog.  I am transplanted to "Joisey" been here since the 90's but still can't get the accent ;)

Enjoy AR--it's a great place.

Mar 21, 2008 09:24 AM
Maureen Bray Portland OR Home Stager ~ Room Solutions Staging
Room Solutions Staging, Portland OR - Portland, OR
"Staging Consultations that Sell Portland Homes"
Sarah ~ Welcome to the rain!  One bone to pick with you though about "rain being negative."  Here in the Northwest we kind of like our webbed feet!!  :-)  After a while you don't even notice it anymore when your hair is in a permanent state of frizziness....really!  You're going to love A/R and we look forward to hearing more from you.
Mar 21, 2008 10:31 AM
Sarah DuHaime
Scene Change Inc. - Denville, NJ

Hi Debra - I admit I'm a Joisey transplant as well (from Ohio) - since early 90's... it is my personal mission to not adopt the accent!

Maureen - okay, I hear ya on the rain being a positive thing, but... I beg to differ on the hair being in a permanent state of frizziness!  I'll take webbed feet over this hairdo anyday!


Mar 21, 2008 10:45 AM
Kristina Leone
Lionheart Home Staging, LLC - Minneapolis, MN

Sarah!  LOVE the 'fro!  How many cans of aqua net does it take to keep your hair that high?

Welcome to AR!  It is always great to hear from people across the country about their experiences in the "biz." 

Mar 21, 2008 10:57 AM
Kathy Riggle
Houston Home Staging

That is a great post that will bring us back looking for more.  A big Texas welcome to AR & SIF!


Mar 21, 2008 11:07 AM

Kristina - Glad you enjoyed the fro!  It took hours to "stage" this hairdo!  I find that Sebastian's "Sphritz Forte" offers the best support for big hair!

Kathy - Thanks for the Texas welcome... I've spent time in Houston - great city, and I have fond memories of the Galleria!!

Thanks again for the warm welcomes.




Mar 21, 2008 11:50 AM
Lea-Ann Virnig
Lea-Ann's Home Beautiful Staging and Design LLC - San Antonio, TX
Home Beautiful: San Antonionulls Premier , Home Staging Company
Welcome!  This place is amazing - tons of insight and inspiration.  It's great for PR and marketing too!  Looking forward to learning more about you and your staging company!
Mar 21, 2008 12:28 PM
Thanks Lea-Ann!
Mar 22, 2008 02:26 AM
Kym Hough
www.Staged-to-Sell - Danville, CA
Staged to Sell East Bay - Danville, CA
Welcome, Welcome, Welcome. You will love the rain, Summer, Winter, Spring or Fall it's always raining great advice and wonderful support. Kym
Mar 22, 2008 03:09 AM
Sarah DuHaime
Scene Change Inc. - Denville, NJ

Thanks Kym!  You've been one of my Staging idols since I read about your 4000 s.f. warehouse!  To me, that is half the battle... inventory, where to keep it and how to access it quickly.  Sounds like you've got that down pat!


Mar 24, 2008 05:14 AM