
Find Your Neighborhood Kauai

Real Estate Agent with Kauai Dreams Realty RS-75011

Wailua Homesteads a great neighborhood to live in on Kauai. Is it the right neighborhood for you?

There are many reasons why people love living in Wailua Homesteads. The peaceful country atmosphere, the hiking trails and parks, the cool air, and more. Here my dog Sunny and I enjoying the Sleeping Giant (Nounou) trail.

Sleeping giant

Below is a video of me showing one of Kauai Dreams Realty listings in Wailua Homesteads on Lauone Road. This home has a spacious yard, updated kitchen, spacious living area with 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. See more pictures and information on this home here.  

You Tube channel


This was my first experience of showing a home on camera. Click on the TV icon to see my You Tube channel. If you have any feedback or tips I would love to hear it! I'm hoping to get more listings that I am able to video like this.





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Kauai Dreams Realty

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Kela Caspillo (s) Realtor Sales Person

4-1435 Kuhio Highway, Kapa`a Kauai

Cell: (808) 652-6173 Office: (808) 822-7774








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Julie A. Black
KAUAI DREAMS REALTY Kauai Real Property Specialist - Kapaa, HI
CLHMS, CRS, GRI, Realtor, Broker

I like the tv icon and agree that Wailua Homesteads is a great neighborhood to live in.

Feb 28, 2014 02:30 PM
Evelyn Johnston
Friends & Neighbors Real Estate - Elkhart, IN
The People You Know, Like and Trust!

Kela, I like the fact that you showed more of the home than you starring in it.  Very classy!

Mar 06, 2014 11:34 AM
Barry Kessler
Pinnacle Estate Properties, Inc. - Simi Valley, CA
Barry Kessler


Your camera person did a greaat job keeping the camera steady.

Whan type of camera do you use?


All the best!


Barry Kessler

May 02, 2014 05:35 PM