Three simple rules for real estate success, you already know. Or I could have said three simple rules for success in life, you already know.
Real estate and life are simple, we all know those extremely mentally impaired that function. I’m concerned with the esoteric version of a successful career and life in real estate!
Real estate and life are extremely complicated! I’m not discounting education to the contrary! I’m suggesting three simple rules are all it takes to get started! Three simple rules you already know! Three simple rules for the novice! Three simple rules for the most educated! Three simple rules for the most experienced! Three simple rules for all!
Rule number one: "The Golden Rule" "Do unto other as you would have them do unto you!" Not to be confused with: "The Golden Rule of Real Estate" "He with the gold rules." Not to be confused with: "Do what they expect!" Would you want someone doing unto you only what is average? Only what is the "norm?" Or would you require a superior level of service? "The Golden Rule" "Do unto other as you would have them do unto you!"
Rule number two: From the Hippocratic Corpus: "First do no harm!" Very few would knowingly harm a client, but most are thinking about overt acts! The problem is that sins of omission are far more numerous and harmful than sins of commission!
Rule number three is actually two quotes from Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of the Boy Scouts the first you know: "Be Prepared... the meaning of the motto is that a scout must prepare himself by previous thinking out and practicing how to act on any accident or emergency so that he is never taken by surprise.
The second simply carries on the same though: "A scout is never taken by surprise he knows exactly what to do when anything unexpected happens." From the same source.
If this doesn’t sound simple you’ve spent to much time with stupid teachers or you are or have become stupid! It’s is truly simple if you remember the practice of Life and Real Estate is AN OPEN BOOK TEST! None of us can know everything! Seeking out the correct answers is a sign of professionalism! Seeking and asking for help is the first step toward success!