
Short Sale Questions and Answers - No Way! WAY! to be Published with Seabreeze Publications Next Month!

Real Estate Agent with Advanced Realty Services, Inc

Suffering from HARDSHIPS that affect your ability to sell your home?

Sellers competing with:

1) Builders who are deeply discounting their new homes, and

2) Banks who are selling off their foreclosed properties,

are worried about selling their homes for enough money to cover their mortgage balance.


I am experienced in negotiating with lenders and getting homes sold as a "short sale."



Minimize The Damage To your Credit!

I may be able to help you!

Steven P. Wood, Realtor

Cell:    703-851-6535

Office: 800-298-2566

Go to


Steven Wood
Advanced Realty Services, Inc - Jupiter, FL

Let me know if you see the Article in the SeaBreeze Publications (Martin and Palm Beach Counties).

Also, Let me know if the Q&A was helpful.

I remain your Helpful Servant in North Palm Beach County,,, Jupiter, Tequesta, Juno Beach and Palm Beach Gardens!


Mar 21, 2008 05:25 PM