It is always upsetting when you hear headlines that speak about mortgage brokers, or real estate professionals that 'LIED' to their clients. I hate it for two reasons. One it is always unsettling to hear negative things said about your profession. Two, it is more upsetting to me to imagine client's as gullible marks just waiting to be ran over. Ladies and gentleman it is your responsibility to empower yourself with information. With the advent of the Internet it is simply not acceptable for you to not know what is happening in your market. Educate and empower yourself. One article a week will help you. If you do not have the Internet go and see several Realtors. Tell one Realtor what the other Realtor said. Cross check your facts with multiple sources. Have a cup of coffee at the local bookstore and peruse the different books, magazines and papers devoted to the subject. Do the same thing with mortgage brokers. Treat buying or selling your home the same way you would buying a car, or even groceries. It's awesome to think of but most people will spend more time researching a savings of two dollars (scouring the grocery circulars) than they do when they are purchasing, or selling a home which is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. As 'The People's Realtor!I want to help. Each day as I make contacts and network with people I attempt to dispel myth and incite folks to research and to see what a great time it is here in the Northwest. Now on The People's Website you can check out the National Association of Realtors,, and now LOCAL NEWS! This is so vital to you as a consumer to be able to research. Search out information and keep on searching. I want you to be educated and to be knowledgeable because it is an educated buyer or seller of real estate that can truly value the services of a REALTOR!
Real Estate Research enables, empowers, and sets buyers and sellers up to repair markets if they are off, and keep 'good' markets healthy. As always The People's Website offers local consumers the opportunity to search available homes, to save these searches, receive free market advice from the best in the business (The People's Realtor). As always it has been my pleasure,
Yours truly,
The People's Realtor
Ray Wilburn,MBA
phone: 425-387-9111