
Learn to Make Wire Crochet Bracelets at The Bead Biz - Old Town Helena

Real Estate Agent with RE/MAX Advantage South

Learn to Make Wire Crochet Bracelets at The Bead Biz - Old Town Helena


There are all kinds of classes going on at The Bead Biz!  


This Saturday 10-12PM and Sunday 1:30-3:30PM (March 15th and 16th) one of my friends, Pat Russell, is going to teach how to make a wire crochet bracelet.  The class fee is $40 and includes wire and beads needed for your project.  Please bring a clasp or you can select one to purchase from the store.  You also need to have knowledge of basic chain and single crochet stitches.  Don't know how?  It's easy!  Search on YouTube for "How To Crochet" and you will find plenty of videos that will teach you how to master these basic stitches in just a few minutes. Practice the technique with yarn and you'll be ready to try it with wire.....and a few beads thrown in.


To sign up for one of Pat's classes call (205) 621-2426.  Class size is limited so it's a good idea to call and register early. 


Aren't these wire crochet bracelets stunning?

 Wire Crochet Bracelet


The Bead Biz is located in Old Town Helena (3745 Helena Road).  Store hours are Tuesday-Friday 11AM to 6PM, Saturday 10AM-6PM, Sunday 1:30-5:30PM - Closed on Mondays 


The shop is has a HUGE selection of beading supplies and some ready made jewelry to choose from.  You are welcome to bring your own tools and beads and get assistance on your projects while you make jewelry in the store OR they are happy to let you use their tools.  It's so much fun!


Visit The Bead Biz website for upcoming classes and other news!


Wire Crochet Rings

 Wire Crochet Rings


 If you are thinking of buying or selling a home, give The Ann Allen Team of RE/MAX Advantage South a call!  We understand it's not just a place to go home after's about enjoying life, family and friends.


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Courtesy of Ann Allen, CDPE, e-Pro, SRES, ASP


RE/MAX Advantage South

2635 Valleydale Road

Hoover, AL  35244



© 2014 Ann Allen, All rights reserved


Many thanks to Pat Russell for permission to use her photos.  These may not be reproduced without express written permission.



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Connie Harvey
Pilkerton Realtors - Brentwood, TN
Realtor - Nashville TN Real Estate

Ann, I've never heard of wire crochet! Interesting!

Mar 14, 2014 05:56 AM