March 11 marks "World Plumbing Day." I'm not sure how this happened, but World Plumbing Day totally snuck up on me this year!
As a home inspector, I have a deep appreciation for those tradesmen who have dedicated their lives to the mastery of their craft.
We owe a special debt of gratitude to the plumbers. They safeguard the health and safety of our water supply, and provide a means for the sanitary disposal of waste. This is truly one of the hallmarks of our modern society.
Imagine where we'd be without the plumbers! Back in the 14th century, that's where!
In Chicago, professional plumbers go through a rigorous apprenticeship that lasts for several years. Sadly, since their work often involves toilets and muddy trenches, the plumber rarely gets the respect he deserves. There's quite a lot of applied physics, mechanical engineering, problem-solving, skill, and hard work that goes into designing and installing a safe plumbing system.
Did you enjoy a hot shower this morning? A working bathroom? Is your home heated with fuel that's delivered through a pipe? Were you able to wash your dishes in the comfort of your own kitchen? Are you able to drink a glass of tap water without fear of fatal disease?
Thank a plumber!
For more information, visit