
Zillow, Trulia, is the best place to search

Real Estate Agent with Century 21 Redwood DC-SP98366576

You are at the beginning of the process of buying a new home. Of course, you are going to begin looking at homes on line.  The National Association of Realtors has analyzed buyer behavior and discovered that almost 90% or buyers begin their search for a new home on line. The 10% that don’t won’t be reading this either. Then again, if they aren’t searching on line, they don’t need this crucial information.

It doesn’t really matter much how you come across the website. You will find one or two or three or more that you find easy to use and they will become your go to website(s).  Understanding how the sites work and what information they offer is important. If you begin the search without knowing what it is you are using, you may lose time and be chasing down homes that do not exist. Yes, the first step is very important.

It is important enough that you should spend 15-20 minutes understanding how the search sites work.

Which is the best search site?

Is it

Is it Zillow

Is it Trulia

Or is it something that you have not discovered.

Well, it is all laid out for you here. You can learn how to begin the home search effectively so that you are successful.  


There is only one original source of on line listing information. 

read more......



 John MacArthur

number 1 c21

1000 Pennsylvania Avenue SE

Washington, DC 20003

Business Phone: 202-546-0055
Business Fax: 202-546-0511


Cindy Jones
Integrity Real Estate Group - Woodbridge, VA
Pentagon, Fort Belvoir & Quantico Real Estate News

I just had a client who learned the frustration of not using a site hosted locally with information directly from the MLS.

Mar 12, 2014 09:52 AM
Lise Howe
Keller Williams Capital Properties - Washington, DC
Assoc. Broker in DC, MD, VA and attorney in DC

You did a very nice job of laying all this out - I caution buyers all the time that the big three are not up to date and not accurate - you did a great job

Mar 12, 2014 12:06 PM
Charles Stallions
Charles Stallions Real Estate Services - Pensacola, FL
850-476-4494 - Pensacola, Pace or Gulf Breeze, Fl.

Agents are their own worst enemies for allowing their listings on Zillow and Trullia

Mar 12, 2014 12:22 PM
Fred Griffin Florida Real Estate
Fred Griffin Real Estate - Tallahassee, FL
Licensed Florida Real Estate Broker

     All of the Big Three, including ActiveRain's parent company Trulia, are horrible for searching.  I am not talking about outdated information, or bogus agent pictures appearing next to a Listing. I am talking about them showing "featured listings" and other houses that are miles away from the Address I entered into the search box. Show me what I am looking for, or I will go elsewhere! 

Mar 12, 2014 12:58 PM