
Pictures Worth More than 1000 Words

Real Estate Sales Representative with Re/Max Realty Services Inc. Brokerage

Last night, I was enjoying a nice glass of wine with my husband after a lovely Lamb dinner, when I decided to check my phone. 

There was a text from a Constable Peel Regional Police in Brampton and a message to call him as he was investigating an incident involving Photo's near a property that I am going to do a Competitive Market Analysis on Monday. 

I called him back right away and he described to me that there had been a man in a pick up truck taking pictures outside the house and that children had told their parents about it.  He asked me if I had hired anyone to take pictures. 

We do have a professional photographer that goes and takes pictures but we do not do that until after we have the listing.  My assistant or her son always take a picture of the house for the Marketing Guide that we prepare for the appointment but she has a blue car and her son's is red.  So I told the Police it was not us and he thanked me for calling back so promptly on a Saturday night and I hung up. 

I called the owner right away and let him know what had happened, in case he was taking picture of his own house as a keep sake.  (The house is tenanted.)  He was surprised and asked if the Police had called me.  So he had already spoke to them.  We laughed and I hung up the phone and was about to resume my night when I realized that my assistants husband had a pick up truck. 

Sure enough, when I called my assistant her husband had taken the picture.  She laughed as she described her conversation with her husband when he came in.  He told her he was taking a picture of the house and the kids next door ran into the house when they saw him taking the picture.  The son piped in and said it must be creepy when someone shows up outside your house and takes a picture, especially when they don't know the person.

Well this was then all solved and I called back the police and the owner to let them know it was us, so problem solved. 

But it did get us thinking, should we call ahead to the house and let the owners know we are coming by and taking a picture.  Do we need to schedule the appointment?  Would that have helped or would the kids next door still have been scared enough to run inside and  have there parents call the police.   

It made for an eventful Saturday night and reinforced one of my favorite saying about Real Estate.  What I love about this business is its different everyday.  What I hate about this business is its different everyday.



Posted by

Ruth Ballantyne

Sales Representative,

RE/Max Realty Services Inc. Brokerage

Ruth Ballantyne
Re/Max Realty Services Inc. Brokerage - Brampton, ON
Rely on Ruth.

I forgot to say thank you to the new agent for sharing and signing me up for tomorrow.  I am looking forward to it and know exactly how to market it.

Mar 16, 2014 12:39 AM
Graziella Bruner
NCS Premier Real Estate - Detroit, MI
Associate Broker - Serving Wayne & Oakland County

Well, now that's a first!  I'm normally prepared to take pictures the day we sign the listing agreement, but just in case we can't, then I do reschedule a day with them to take pictures. That's a cute story and I'm sure the kids talked about it the next day at school.

Mar 16, 2014 08:33 AM