I was out showing communities in the Cary area to a couple of woman that are retiring in the next couple of years and planning on moving down here. They were quite entertaining to be with, and really loved the area here in the Triangle.
I was telling them a story as we were riding around of how I have had other folks call me and ask if I would take them around to see homes, as the previous agent they spoke with, after finding out they were not planning on buying for a year or two down the road, stated they didn't have the time - to call them back when they are closer to buying.
The ladies just thought that was awful and stated how those agents are really hurting themselves. They both told me that they know several other people that they work with or are friends with that want to come to this area to look for homes too when they retire, and they are going to give my card to them so they can contact me.
I have never had a problem with spending time over a couple of years to help people find a new home to retire to. Finding that hopefully last home to buy takes time and I wouldn't want to rush that myself, so why would I want to rush anyone else!