Summerfield Estates, Macomb Township
Summerfield Estates in located near the south/east corner of Macomb Township, which is a residential community. Macomb Township is north of Detroit, which is approximately a 30 minute drive on interstate I-94. The Macomb Township is 36 square mile with a 2010 Census population of 88,000 residents. Summerfield Estates subdivision is between 21 Mile Road and 22 Mile Road, on the east side of Heydenreich.
Statistics were researched for Macomb Township in the zip code of 48044. Summerfield Estates subdivision is within that venue and interesting results were revealed regarding property ownership. The statistics were compared to the national average. The percentage of unoccupied properties is -11.26% below the national average. Also, the percent of owner occupied properties is 22.11% above the national average. Refer to the pie chart for comparison of owned, rented and vacant dwellings.
Summerfield Estates subdivision in Macomb Township is located in close proximity of several schools. They range from elementary to high school and are located in the Chippewa Valley School District. Cheyenne Elementary, Ojibwa Elementary, Seneca Middle School and Dakota High School are near the intersection of 21 Mile and Heydenreich Road in Macomb Township. To get more information regarding the school, go to Priority Home Team and click on the Market Insider. There you can find out more information such as school rating, test scores by grade, student-teacher ratio and much more.
Please feel free to request information regarding the Summerfield Estate subdivision. The homes vary from ranch-style homes to colonials. The majority of the homes are brick and have attached garages. To get accurate prices, it's important to review material at or near the requested time. Please feel free to submit a request to retrieve information for Summerfield Estates.