OK, so I'm new at this side of the real estate game. I've gained a great deal more respect for the brokers I worked with in my past career as an economic developer. Not amazing but irritating is the number of calls I get from vendors hawking their wares and telling me I can't be as successful without their product and by the way, there's a monthly fee once I pay the setup fee. I know, this is the least expensive franchise to buy. I heard you. I always wanted to be on my own. I just never realized how many phone calls I would get for more stuff I would need to actually be successful. I'm dealing with it and being firm, asking questions and in general saying, "No, Thanks". I'm sure out there in Active Rain are any number of blogs directed toward new agents to help them through the maze. Our problem, new agent's that is, is that we are so busy training, chasing mets to get leads and trying to meet new people we can't possibly read all the blogs. It is however wonderful to have all of you out there sharing your knowledge. It's wonderful that there are so many video's and webinars to get knowledge from. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest today and thanks for all you give back in your daily educational blogs.