
Great new group on Active Rain, Vets serving Vet's real estate needs

Commercial Real Estate Agent with 602 CRE BR649708000

Update:  Please note anyone can join this group, you do not need to be a veteran, and we highly encourage it....please come and join us, we'd love to hear from you

It was really nice to see that Keith Vanzant with Keller Williams out of Austin, TX, founded a group called Vets serving Vet’s real estate needs on ActiveRain.  It’s something that I’ve had on my to do list, but unfortunately with all the other things I have going on I just haven't had a chance to start the group, kudo’s to Keith for starting it. My goal is to have our very own Bob Stewart host a webinar about working with vets in the home buying process that we could all collectively host.  Kind of a huge Q&A from realtors who specialize in dealing with Veterans and VA loans

I would welcome any and all Active Rain members to join the group, as you can probably find any answer to a VA real estate related question on there.  We are currently up to 9 members they are:

Keith VanzantVets serving Vet's real estate needs

Cindy Jones

Jerry Newman

Barry Owen

Alex Popovic

Frank Rubi

Victor Runkle

Liz and Bill Spear

Gary L. Waters

Our goal is to have a network of veteran real estate agents in every major city we can refer veteran business out to.  I just actually sent Cindy a Special Forces buddy of mine as a referral in Virginia for a $500K deal, can’t wait till it closes.  Please join our group and have any veterans you know in our Active Rain community join us too.


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This Active Rain post is by Alex Popovic, for all your real estate needs please call 602-290-4266.

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Alex Popovic Real Estate Agent Phoenix, AZ (602) 290-4266

Copyright ©, All rights reserved 2013


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Rod Faubion
NP Dodge Real Estate - Papillion, NE

I will join this group as I serve the Omaha, NE area and have a good understanding of VA financing issues.  Retired from the USAF in 1992 after 22years.  I mirror Mike McCann from Kearney, NE in serving our military folks around the world with their real estate needs.  Technolgy has really made this profession better in a lot of ways.

Look forward to meeting with you Mike at our State Convention in La Vista Apr 7 to 9.

Mar 28, 2014 02:27 AM
Jim Griffin
HouseLens: Video Marketing for Real Estate - Nashville, TN

Thanks for letting everyone know about the group, Alex. Being in the Clarksville, TN (home of the 101st Airborne), and D.C. markets, we have a LOT of clients who serve military families. I'll get our social media manager to share this info on Facebook and Twitter.

Mar 28, 2014 02:32 AM
Marte Cliff
Marte Cliff Copywriting - Priest River, ID
Your real estate writer

Good idea! I'm not a Vet, but my husband and our best friend are both Viet Nam Vets. My thanks to all of you - veterans and active military.

Mar 28, 2014 02:44 AM
Gene Riemenschneider
Home Point Real Estate - Brentwood, CA
Turning Houses into Homes

I'm there baby!  I have done a few.  One of my lenders is big on VA loans.   

Mar 28, 2014 03:23 AM
Kimo Jarrett
Cyber Properties - Huntington Beach, CA
Pro Lifestyle Solutions

Interesting and informative comment from Mike, #34, who shares his experience and respect for our veterans. Some agents, like myself, haven't had much experience helping veterans, yet we're capable and should be able to help veterans too, however, if being a veteran to join this group is a requirement, that would eliminate many agents.

Mar 28, 2014 04:00 AM
Travis "the SOLD man" Parker; Broker/Owner
Travis Realty - Enterprise, AL
email: / cell: 334-494-7846

Hey, I just sent a Request in. U.S.Army 1972-75, Medic & Bandsman, just got my MRP Designation last month(class was held in the same Army Hospital that I worked the ER in & now go to for V.A.). Active & Officer in Local V.F.W. and American Legion. Previously on CoC Military Affairs Committee.

Mar 28, 2014 04:05 AM
Wendy Shelley
Long & Foster Realtors - Alexandria, VA

Exciting to see this post! Have tons and tons of military here in the Virginia-DC-Maryland area, with half of them coming and going all the time.  Am not military, but certainly have worked with them over my years as a Realtor. Recently worked for a new designation -- Military Residential Specialist ("MilRES") -- and am anxious to spread the word, to include this group as well, so we can all do more in really understanding the challenges and better serving the folks who do so much on our behalf for the well-being of our country.  Please add me to your membership rolls!  I look forward to getting involved, and let me know when I can be of service here in Northern Virginia!

Mar 28, 2014 04:19 AM
Alex Popovic
602 CRE - Phoenix, AZ
Alex Popovic Developer, Real Estate Broker


It's OK to disagree, I think anyone or any cause that helps vets, active and prior, as being OK in books if you ask me.  Thanks for stopping by and joining our group 

Mar 28, 2014 05:25 AM
Alex Popovic
602 CRE - Phoenix, AZ
Alex Popovic Developer, Real Estate Broker


Thanks for stopping by and welcome to the group.  Thank you for service, I look forward to what we can generate amongst ourselves, collectively, lead wise

Mar 28, 2014 05:26 AM
Alex Popovic
602 CRE - Phoenix, AZ
Alex Popovic Developer, Real Estate Broker


That's awesome and thank you for doing that to get us more exposure on SM.  You have my cell and email anytime you need anyting or any help.  We just got the new F35 strike fighters out here at Luke AFB, it's gonna be the home to them for the AF and worlds largest F35 training base.

Mar 28, 2014 05:27 AM
Alex Popovic
602 CRE - Phoenix, AZ
Alex Popovic Developer, Real Estate Broker


Thank them from the group for all their service, and just because you're not a veteran doesn't mean you cant join our group, we welcome anyone that is a vet, works with vets, has family that are vets, wishes they were a get the idea, welcome any and all

Mar 28, 2014 05:29 AM
Alex Popovic
602 CRE - Phoenix, AZ
Alex Popovic Developer, Real Estate Broker


Love hearing about the lenders who like VA loans, they're the best loan in the USG inventory and really, really easy to do

Mar 28, 2014 05:29 AM
Alex Popovic
602 CRE - Phoenix, AZ
Alex Popovic Developer, Real Estate Broker


Thanks for stopping by and reading, there is no requirement to be a part of this group, anyone and everyone can join, if it helps spread the word about vets and answers one question that helps one vet get a home then the group has accomplished it's mission.  Welcome

Mar 28, 2014 05:30 AM
Alex Popovic
602 CRE - Phoenix, AZ
Alex Popovic Developer, Real Estate Broker


Welcome, love seeing the Trav man in the Fedora coming over to join us.  I too just got the MRP cert, there's only about 50 of us in all of AZ.  Small steps my friend, we will get there.

Mar 28, 2014 05:31 AM
Alex Popovic
602 CRE - Phoenix, AZ
Alex Popovic Developer, Real Estate Broker


Thanks for stopping by to read and comment, we can't join you, you join yourself, its an open group to help spread the word about dealing with anything and everything veteran in the home buying/selling process.  Welcome

Mar 28, 2014 05:32 AM
Sandra Paulow
Aspen Properties, Inc. - Pinetop Lakeside, AZ
REALTOR, Associate Broker, GRI, SFR

What a wonderful idea.  Our Vets need to know there are agents who support them and want to help them through the home buying or selling process.  I am not a Vet but I am married to one and am pleased to be part of a group dedicated to helping our Fighting Men & Women with their Real Estate needs. 

Mar 28, 2014 07:54 AM
Alex Popovic
602 CRE - Phoenix, AZ
Alex Popovic Developer, Real Estate Broker


Thanks for stopping by, reading and commenting.  We'd like to think it's a pretty good idea, vets only represent about 27% of the market here in AZ, so it's a huge chunk.  Thanks for joining us, we look forward to discussions and mutally helping one and all

Mar 28, 2014 11:11 AM
Margaret Woda
Long & Foster Real Estate, Inc. - Crofton, MD
Maryland Real Estate & Military Relocation

'Looking forward to this group... I've kinda slacked off with my military posts lately, but this is my very favorite niche.

Apr 02, 2014 11:11 AM
Gary San Soucie
Huntsville, AL
Huntsville, Redstone Arsenal & surrounding areas

Hello All! Was recommended to the group by Jerry Newman. I retired from the Air Force after 20 years and now live in Huntsville, AL. Looking forward to the posts in the group and getting to know everyone. 

Sep 28, 2014 05:23 AM
Mark Baker
United Realty Group Wellington - Wellington, FL
Serving Palm Beach County FL

Semper Fi! Thanks for all the veterans who have served.  Looking forward to participating in the group and learning from you all.  Thanks  

Jan 09, 2015 04:22 AM