Five years ago, if you had read about a tablet computer, you'd most likely have thought someone spelled table wrong (at the very least it was likely you'd have had no idea what they meant). But on April 3rd, 2010 Apple unleashed the iPad on the world and the way we think about computers has forever changed.
So much (not everything.....yet) of what we can currently do from our desk or lap top computer can now be accomplished on a tablet, no matter where you are.
Gone are the days of "let me head back to the office and draw up that contract for you". Gone are the days of "I'll fax that offer over for you to sign when I get back to the office."
Today, virtually every aspect of your day can be controlled from a tablet computer (or your phone) and the unlimited suite of apps that have been developed to make using tablets more and more convenient.
And the tablet wars show no signs of cooling off.
New features, better cameras (my original 2010 iPad didn't have a camera), more apps, built in WIFI and the ability to access the world over cellular networks continue to make tablet computers more and more ingrained in the business world.
This week, ActiveRain Product Reviews would like the members of ActiveRain to focus on tablets. Which one have you used? Did it help your business, or did you find yourself using it more for entertainment and struggling to figure out how to integrate it with your business? (This is what happened to me for the first two years I had my tablet).
Dive into the tablet section of product reviews and see if you see the tablet you're currently using. Then leave a review so other members of ActiveRain that might be considering taking the plunge (or upgrading from their existing tablet) can get great feedback from you, their peer.
Or, leave a review for one of these more popular tablets that have already been reviewed plenty of time! (to leave or read reviews, just click on the image)
Apple iPad
ASUS Transformer Pad
Microsoft Surface
Samsung Note