
Earthquake Financing Using The 203k Loan Program, Call Same Day 203kla

Home Inspector with Same Day 203Kla 323 309-9722 HUD I.D.# SO536

Our Goal at is to encourage you to prepare for a
major disaster and to maintain that readiness. Part of becoming ready is
having the necessary supplies. Earthquakes and major disasters, in our
area, can happen at any time. They are not totally predictable. There
may be long periods between disasters. This is why it is important to
maintain fresh emergency supplies through rotation of older stock into
daily use. The quality of life and the potential for survival are greatly
increased by being prepared.

  • Conduct practice drills. Physically place yourself and your children in the safe locations in the home.
  • Learn first aid and CPR through your local Red Cross or other community organization.
  • Decide where and when the family will reunite, if separated.
  • Keep a list of emergency phone numbers available. Long distance phone service is usually restored before local service. You’ll be able to reach someone faster who is across the country, rather than next door. Cell phone use could be restricted without a proper signal. It’s helpful to identify an out-of-state relative or friend who can report your condition to other family members.
  • Develop a portable survival kit for your home and for travel.



  • Learn how to shut off gas, water and electricity in your home in case power lines are damaged.
  • Check the stability of chimneys, roofs and wall foundations. If you’re living in a home that was built before 1935, make sure the house is bolted to the foundation. If your home is on a raised foundation, make sure the cripple , or short stud walls between the floor and foundation, are replaced with shear , or vertical walls that are used to stiffen the structural frame. If you have questions, contact a licensed contractor.
  • Secure heavy furnishings.
  • Secure your water heater and other appliances that could move and disrupt utility lines.
  • Store breakable and heavy objects on lower shelves. Also, use latches on cabinet doors.
  • Keep all flammable and hazardous liquids, such as paints, pest sprays and cleaning products, in cabinets or secured on low shelves.
  • Maintain emergency food, water, medicine, a first aid kit, tools and clothing for earthquake aftermath.

I have been A HUD Certified 203k Consultant Since 1995, I am a retired Home Inspector, and a Former Vice President of CREIA, California Real Estate Inspection Association.
I have completed 1000's of 203k and Home Inspections over the years.
For more the 15 Years I have Hosted 203k Work Shops and Seminars,
in Los Angeles County.

If you have questions about earthquake preparedness give a Call

323 309 9722






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Kristin Johnston - REALTOR®
RE/MAX Platinum - Waukesha, WI
Giving Back With Each Home Sold!

Great information.   Thanks for sharing and have a nice weekend!

Dec 05, 2020 06:40 AM