
Has the house already had offers?

Real Estate Agent with RE/MAX Realty Specialists Inc.,


Have there been any offers?




What were they?



How Should I answer?

I know we have had offers, 

I know the exact details.


I try to be tactful and say "They have had offers, but they were unacceptable to the owners."


How much did the people offer?


Would you respect the agent who told you ALL the other details?


Would that person now have your loyalty?


Three diamonds; Each is larger than the other.

The Largest has visible inclusions, spots of floating black carbon.

The smaller diamond has fewer visible flaws.

The smallest diamond is perfect and a brilliant cut.


Which is more valuable?


The nuggets of information that I have, do have worth when kept to myself, and especially when shared. 


How do you answer?



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Cindy Westfall
Premiere Property Group,LLC Portland Metro & Suburbs Oregon - Tualatin, OR
ABR,GRI Your Tualatin & Portland Metro Real Estate

Hi David, I answer pretty much as you do. When I hear this though, It does signal that perhaps this buyer might be interested enough to have their agent "feel things out". It does give a hint of sorts as to the motivation of the seller. If I noted that the home was on the market longer than usual coupled with the fact it's had offers, this tells me that perhaps the sellers aren't willing (or can't)  budge in price.

Mar 30, 2014 11:30 AM
John Wiley
Fort Myers, FL
Lee County, FL, ECO Broker, GRI, SRES,GREEN,PSA

David, by asking the question of should I answer when asked about other offers, tells me you look out for your Seller and are an ethical agent.

I would suggest consumers in your area use you as their agent.

Mar 30, 2014 10:11 PM
David Pylyp
RE/MAX Realty Specialists Inc., - Toronto, ON

I can see by the early start John, that you dediate yourself also...

Thank you for your kind words.

This happened yesterday and the Buyer /Walkin in Prospect at the Public open house was surprised I would not give specific answers.

Generally a home's value and time on market,  We understand to be issues of price.  In a new build ( infill housing in Etobicoke) often a Buyer does not see the trim details to make an informed decision.  That said, Cindy is still correct when Buyer look at days on market.



Mar 30, 2014 10:38 PM