For anyone considering using Pay Per Click on their site, I'm embarking on a little experiment that you might be interested in.
About a month ago, I started using REW to manage my PPC campaign. Over the next three months, I'm going to monitor the number and quality of PPC leads to to determine which registration settings and strategies are most effective. Then, I'll continue to blog on a regular basis and report the results.
I'm a bit nervous because it requires my changing my registration settings from:
April Month 1 - Forced registration
May Month 2 - Forced registration after 2 views
June Month 3 - Optional registration
Which means by June, the leads might start to get a little lean.
Check out my blog post at to see my March stats - those will be used as the benchmark for future comparisons.
I'll be posting the results and any new strategies every couple of weeks - stay tuned...