
What is the Value of Staging your Vancouver Home?

Home Stager with EXIT STAGE RIGHT

What is the Value of Staging your Vancouver Home? 

A Case Study with Before/After Photos

Home Sellers often wonder about the value of staging their home.  Yes, there’s an upfront, monetary investment.  There’s also always that unknown risk that your home might not sell.   Yet, the decision to stage carries so many benefits:  better presentation online, increased traffic to the home, enabling the Realtor® to add those magic words “shows beautifully”, and creating an emotional connection with the buyer to the home.  Here’s an example of how we helped some home owners in Coquitlam get their home sold quickly, and move on with the rest of their lives. 

The initial visit to this home was to get a feel for the scope of work, and also to give the Home Owners a “to do” list to prepare for their home to be staged.  Was this a multi-million dollar, new build home?  No.  The reality is that all homes deserve to be staged and show their very best when they are placed on the market.  The Home Owners followed our advice unquestioningly, painting out some rooms a more neutral colour, editing furniture and removing artwork, ready for us to return to stage and create magic.

Before – Foyer   This is the first impression you get when you walk into the home.  The look is dated and uninspiring.

 Foyer before staging

After – Foyer   We created some contrast in colour and interest.  This Foyer peaks your interest and encourages the Buyer to want to see more.

 Foyer after home staging

Before - Dining Room   This dining room was actually being used as a sitting/music listening room.  No problem when you’re living in the property.  When you’re selling, however, rooms need to show their original, intended purpose.  As surprising as it may seem, most Home Buyers can’t imagine the room as a dining room if it’s not presented that way.  They’ll leave the home saying “nice house, too bad there’s not a dining room”!

 Dining room before home staging

After – Dining Room   We relocated the dining table from the kitchen which fit perfectly in the dining room space.  Some simple but effective dressing finished off the whole look, et voila, the room now says “dining room”. 

Dining room after home staging 

Before – Living Room  The living room looked washed out with no contrast in colour.  The living room furniture looked quite “granny” and made the whole living room look older than its time. 

 Living room before home staging

After – Living Room  We relocated the den furniture to the living room to give some depth and contrast in colour.  Was this a perfect solution?  No.  However, it saved the Home Owner money and we were still able to update the look of the living room.  Let’s face it.  The buyer would be a young family moving in, so we needed a more casual, relaxed, yet updated look that would appeal to this demographic.

Living room after home staging 

Let's not forget that the devil's in the details.  We also created beautiful vignettes that capture a Home Buyer's attention, emotions and heart strings.  This is key in engaging a Buyer with a property at an entirely different level.

Close up after staging

Was there value in staging this property?  Well, you tell me…  the property was sold, with subjects removed in exactly 30 days.  The Home Owner received full asking price.  Another property successfully sold with the help of Exit Stage Right, Home Staging Vancouver.

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Laura Cerrano
Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island - Locust Valley, NY
Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher

Shall I do Feng Shui there? :) Good luck!

Apr 04, 2014 12:29 PM
Laura Cerrano
Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island - Locust Valley, NY
Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher

Love those flowers!

Apr 04, 2014 12:30 PM
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque Homes Realty - Albuquerque, NM
Honesty, Integrity, Results, Experienced. HIRE Me!

Beautiful Home Staging magic Sally!

Apr 04, 2014 12:44 PM
Maureen Bray Portland OR Home Stager ~ Room Solutions Staging
Room Solutions Staging, Portland OR - Portland, OR
"Staging Consultations that Sell Portland Homes"

Stunning transformation, Sally ... congrats on a job well done!!  Your clients were likely ecstatic :-)

Apr 04, 2014 01:31 PM
Nancy Rolli-Healy
Nice job Sally. Did you add accessories? It's great that we can repurpose furniture the homeowner already owns. Can I ask what was the price tag for this project
Apr 04, 2014 10:15 PM
Barbara Michaluk
Weichert Realtors | Phone Direct 240-506-2434 | 301-681-0550 office - Silver Spring, MD
Leisure World Specialist / Full Service REALTOR

Sally, your photos of before and after speak for themselves. Making a positive first impression is crucial for buyers on their first visit to a home.

Apr 05, 2014 08:40 AM
Sally Weatherley
Vancouver Home Staging, Home Stager Vancouver, B.C

Laura - You are the feng shui queen!

John - Thanks so much!

Maureen - The clients were very happy, especially since they were extremely skeptic to begin with.


Apr 05, 2014 09:53 AM
Sally Weatherley
Vancouver Home Staging, Home Stager Vancouver, B.C

Nancy - Yes, we brought in accessories, artwork and bedding.  The home was listed at $640,000, and the investment in staging was close to $2,000 for the first month.  Of course, every area is different.   

Barbara - Thanks for the support!  Yes, this home could have easily been dismissed, had it not been styled to appeal to more home buyers.  

Apr 05, 2014 10:01 AM
Sharon Tara
Sharon Tara Transformations - Portsmouth, NH
Retired New Hampshire Home Stager

Holy Moly....that dining room transformation is fabulous!  All the rooms look great, but the dining room really popped!

Apr 06, 2014 01:08 AM
Julia Maher
Nestings: Connecticut Home Staging and Model Homes - Fairfield, CT
Connecticut Home Stager

Wonderful example of a complete transformation, Sally!

Apr 06, 2014 02:19 AM
Michelle Finnamore
Toronto GTA, Alliston, Newmarket - Vaughan, ON
Preparing your property for sale

Beautiful work as usual Sally, a true transformation on this property. Magazine worthy listing photos now.

Apr 06, 2014 07:01 AM
Sally Weatherley
Vancouver Home Staging, Home Stager Vancouver, B.C

Sharon - I agree.  The dining room was so far removed from a dining room when we first arrived, that the transformation is pretty dramatic.

Julia - I know you work with a lot of lived in properties.  It's certainly a different style of staging than vacants!

Michelle - The Realtor did a great job marketing this property, bringing in a photographer and video tour.  As you know, it's team work!

Apr 06, 2014 12:49 PM
Anna Dovger
Add Value Home Staging LLC, 281-704-6607 - The Woodlands, TX
Home Staging -The Woodlands, TX

Sally, wonderful and elegant transformation! Love all the details. 

Apr 13, 2014 04:43 AM
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque Homes Realty - Albuquerque, NM
Honesty, Integrity, Results, Experienced. HIRE Me!

Thank you Sally!


Apr 27, 2014 11:57 PM
Sally Weatherley
Vancouver Home Staging, Home Stager Vancouver, B.C

Thanks Anna and John!  Appreciate your kinds words.

Apr 28, 2014 02:55 PM
Wendy Tomm
Beyond the Walls - East St Paul, MB
CCSP, RESA-PRO, BBB - Wpg Realtors

Sally.  Great feedback and I always know that a professional home stager adds great value to the seller. Nicely done.

May 21, 2014 12:56 AM
Chuck Willman
Chuck Willman - Alpine, UT

EVERY home benefits from staging. It can be proven that homes that are staged sell more quickly and at a higher price that those that have not been prepped. This is not an opinion from my many years in real estate; it's a fact. I work with home sellers and investors- those who stage simply do better with their sales.

Feb 10, 2015 12:24 AM
Tom Ikonomou
Tom Ikonomou - eXp Realty - Vancouver, BC
REALTOR - Army Veteran - Mentor

I always recommend staging to my clients. The difference in the sales price always outweighs the cost. Of course the end result always depends on the expertise of the stager. Your before and after photos speak for themselves :)

Aug 10, 2019 03:09 PM