Its human nature to complain from time to time was how spoiled and fortunate we all are to live like our hot summers. However, I had an eye opening experience this past fall which made me appreciate our beautiful foothill area and all that it has to offer.
Our journey began mid-Sept. when my husband & I left for a 7 week road trip across the US. Because we had already visited the Western US many times, we decided to head across the Northern US, go to the top of Maine, down the East coast to Florida and back home via the southern route.
We went through thirty states on this trip, which we determined was way too much mileage(over 10,000 miles) to cover in just seven weeks. We went through the deserts, across the flatlands of the Midwest, travled along each of the Great Lakes, got drenched at Niagra Falls, saw trees galore, paid ridiculous toll fees on the eastern highways, faced unbelievable humidity in the South, dug for diamonds in Arkansas and so much more. I have so many stories & photos to share with anyone who may want to listen but not enough room to write it all here.
The most important thing I learned from this journey was how spoiled and fortunate we all are to live here in these beautiful mountains of the Sierras. We have four wonderful seasons(OK, summers can quite hot...but at least it's a "dry heat") without the harsh humidity the fierce winds, the frigid winters, the scary hurricanes and tornadoes. We have views all around us and are surrounded by many lakes. Close to the snow for winter fun, close to the cities for shopping & medical conveniences, a short drive to the ocean and to the deserts.
As we entered our foothills at the end of our journey I literally had butterflies in my stomach as I saw all the beauty that we had left behind seven weeks earlier and had missed so very much. I hope I will always remember what I had taken for granted and want to remind my fellow foothill lovers how fortunate we truly are.