
E-Commerce, Business and Marketing online- NC Real Estate Partners -KLO

Real Estate Agent with Fonville Morisey & Barefoot


 You would be surprised but when asked most people don't really know what e-commerce is and its really just merely Business and Marketing online.

Over the years since the technology boom e-commerce has emerged as the leader in business and marketing mainly because everyone who has a business also has a website.  And with the start of E-bay many years ago e-commerce became the wave of the future.  If you look on E-bay today you can find anything and everything being sold.  And now with the change in the Real Estate market it has become the biggest tool that Realtors have to sell their listings.

Craigs list has become a popular place to upload listings as well as websites like this.  Who would have thought 20 years ago we would be selling homes over the internet, or cars.  It used to be in the early 90's that it would be anything that could easily be drop shipped or put in a box and shipped UPS.

Along with the business side you must be able to Market your business and it doesn't mean you just pick any web design company and throw up some graphics and text.  The average website visitor will make their decision in the first 30 seconds of a website visit whether or not a site is user friendly and if yours isn't, that visitor is likely to move one to the next.  After all, we only have to put in a few search terms into google and viola' we have a number of choices.  Most of us will choose the site with the best marketing and the one that is the most user friendly.  Try it,  search the internet and view webpages, when you find one that won't load quickly because there is too much Flash or one that is so confusing once you get there that you can't find what your looking for let me know how long it takes before you move on to the next.  And when you find one you like and you find your self roaming the pages, pay attention to what you like about it, and try to emmulate that in your webpage.

Also google Robin Williams Web Design she has some great tips on placement and how your eye views webpages.  SURFS UP!