Do I have to be in attendance during a Feng Shui consultation?
To some this may seem like a strange question but it has been asked. I find this question pops up more often with corporate clients vs residential clients. Many times when a corporation calls up to request information about the fees and processes of a Feng Shui consultation, it is the secretary who is gathering the information. Sometimes they may not even know why their boss is asking for a consultation and are just "looking around."
So what's the problem with that? There is no problem, yet consider this. From an energy standpoint, that already shows a disconnect. If that individual (boss, owner, etc) felt it was worth their personal time to pick up the phone and do the research, they would have.
Now, it's not all corporation bosses that approach a Feng Shui consult in this way, in fact I have worked with developers and huge corporations that were 100% on board and then some. The diffrence with those engaged people's overall outcome vs those who just put in 50% was amazing!
So even though you may physically be in attendance, it's important that you are emotionally and mentally there as well. Otherwise just postpone your appointment until you are fully and truly ready to commit.
Believe it or not, it makes a huge difference! Bring love. Bring light. Bring yourself to your Feng Shui consultation.