

Real Estate Agent with Real Estate Professionals of Glynn

I think I am fairly tech savy as I try to read about what is coming on line either in hardware or changes in platforms, you know the typical "NEW STUFF".  Well, I've run across a couple of interesting services that believe it or not are FREE!  And if you are ever in need of them can come right off your phone wihich doesn't have to be a state of the art SMARTPHONE (a euphonism for a device that has more functions than you, the ultra smart, and cool consumer doesn't have the foggyist idea of how to utilize all the features that you had to have). 

The first of these is a FREE INFORMATION TELEPHONE NUMBER SERVICE!  It's easy to use, simply dial the number.  Listen to one borthersome ad that lasts less than 10 second, then follow the prompts.  As expected it asks for City and State, Then it asks if you want a Business, Governemnt or Residence, followed by the question of name.  Simple Huh!  The number you need to dial is 1-800-373-3411. 

The next little goody is one that just might come in handy if you don't have a GPS, or access to the internet while you are out in the real world getting lost.  It is named "DIRECTIONS".  It too has a series of questions such as City & State followed by address.  Then it will ask your starting point and again you provide several prompted responses.  Within about 15 seconds you'll receive a text message or several dependent on your phones capacity to receive text.  Now for those who want to READ about this free service you can go on line to  There you will find a brief video of how the product works.  But if you are willing to accept my word enter the following number in your cell and experience it immediately (this one has no commercials).  The number is 1-347-328-4667 or if you are visually challenged and have small numbers on your phone but bigger letters punch in DIRECTIONS.  I know that there are few other of these services out there, some for pay some not... But I know these work for me and I hope that you'll give them a try and find them as handy as I have.

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Pam Joffe
Solaris Realty - Tampa, FL
Good Morning Michael - Thanks for the information, Freebees are always good to know about. Have a great day!
Mar 25, 2008 01:52 AM
Chuck Carstensen
RE/MAX Results - Elk River, MN
Minnesota/Wisconsin Real Estate Expert
That could be helpful. Thanks for the info.
Mar 25, 2008 01:53 AM
Terry & Bonnie Westbrook
Westbrook Realty Broker-Owner - Grand Rapids, MI
Westbrook Realty - Grand Rapids Forest Hills MI Re
Thanks my problem is I will forget the numbers. I think I'll just save yours and call you when I run in to an issue. Thanks for trying to help others.
Mar 25, 2008 01:58 AM
Dennis Sanchez
Coldwell Banker Tenafly - Hackensack, NJ
Thank you for the free information.  I'll make sure I do my best to take advantage of the freebies.  They will come in handy in the future.
Mar 25, 2008 02:01 AM
Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573
Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker

Thanks Michael...was just thinking about how to use your self phone for directions.  Having the gps coordinates on listings is key too for all the geo coding and maps that are accessible.

Feb 07, 2009 12:56 AM