How many more transactions do you think you would close if you just said ‘yes’ more often? How about if your buyers or sellers just said ‘yes’ more often.
- Yes, instead of a reflexive no.
- Yes, instead of a fearful no.
- Yes, instead of an uneducated no.
Some people just come from a place of no because if the idea isn’t heading in the direction they imagined … it must be wrong.
I’ve been a real estate agent for a long time so I’ve been exposed to more than my fair share of ‘no’. There are so many transactions that would have gone smoother, faster, friendlier, less stressful if there the person in charge wasn’t a ‘no’body. I’m sure we’ve all be there.
In the last day or two I’ve had a few interactions with people who came from a place of no. I love people watching and I watched in awe as a server waiting a table refused to take credit cards for each person who was ordering a drink with dinner. It was a large party and the dinners had been paid for in advance. A few of the diners decided to order adult beverages. I sipped on my club soda and observed the server deciding that she only wanted to handle cash. Nobody without cash ordered, we were all traveling at a conference and trying to use our business expense cards.
So, what was her ‘no’ damage in tips? It was about twenty minutes later and she returned and told folks that she’d take the credit cards. Shame for her, those folks would have been on their second tip-able drink by then.
On another occasion, buyers I was working with wanted me to Fedex documents for signature. I let them know that I would instead be sending a link for electronic signatures. I was told ‘no’ without hesitation because of fear and lack of education. Once I explained the process and promised that “they couldn’t make a mistake” they said they’d try it. By the end of the transaction, they had insisted that they sign their closing documents via Docusign. (cash buyers)
Many, many years ago I sold a condo sight unseen. It was the first time for me to do that and I’ve since had the opportunity to do it dozens of time. I could have said ‘no’ because it was a foreign idea but I didn’t. The listing agent didn’t want to accept the contract because the buyers hadn’t “seen” the home. I had taken photos, drawn a floor plan, rendered my opinion and the buyers trusted me enough to believe the purchase and the ability of the inspectors that would verify the property was sound.
Most of the time people listen with the intent of responding instead of understanding so those “no” answers come easily. Imagine the possibility if you just think more ‘yes’ than ‘no’. Imagine if you asked your opposition, whether it is a co-broking agent or a client to just imagine if they said yes and it all actually worked out.
Maybe the opposition just needs to ponder on their reflexive no and have a chance to reconsider.