
When Should You Refinance Your Home?

Real Estate Agent with Rose & Womble Realty Company

Refinancing your home at a lower rate is very common among some homeowners. However, it is not always the right decision for everyone. Before you make the decision to refinance your home, it is important for you to put some deep thought into how this change will affect you. Here are four things to consider before refinancing your home.


What Are Your Goals?

Determining your goals for refinancing your home is one of the first things you should do. There are things you need to consider and remember before putting forth the work throughout the whole process. Refinancing your home will not pay off your existing debt; however, it will restructure it in a way that could be a great benefit to you.


Consider Existing Rates

Do some research to determine what the current mortgage rates are. If refinancing your home can get you a lower rate mortgage, then it is definitely worth looking into. You will also need to consider how long it will take you to recoup the closing costs.


Is It Financially Possible?

Refinancing your home comes with associated costs, it isn’t a free ride to lower mortgage rates. Some people spend thousands of dollars on their refinancing, and if that is feasible for you, it can be worth it. Remember, everything is negotiable.


When Is a Good Time To Refinance?

After you’ve put thought into the financial aspect of refinancing, you need to consider how long you will be in your home to determine if refinancing is right for you. When you figure out how many months it will take you to pay off the mortgage at a lower rate, if you don’t plan on being in your home that long, refinancing is probably not for you.


Refinancing your home can be very beneficial; however, it isn’t necessary and might not be the best decision for you. Every home is different, so do your research to figure out if it is right for you. To learn more about when you should refinance your home, visit here.

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Trisha Bush-LeFore
Preferred Properties Land & Homes - Walla Walla, WA
Providing Realtor Services in the Walla Walla Area


These are great tips on refinancing, when or if. Thanks for sharing them with us.

May 02, 2014 06:42 AM
Joy Daniels
Joy Daniels Real Estate Group, Ltd. - Harrisburg, PA

This is a great explanation of the things you need to consider before refinancing.  Do you mind if I create a video blog using some of your points that I will send to my data base?

Nov 01, 2014 07:07 AM