
Annual John Turner Memorial Walk for Huntington's Disease

Real Estate Agent with Prudential Select Properties

Huntingtion's Disease Society of America - St. Louis Chapter and the Turner Family are gearing up for the Annual John Turner Memorial Walk in St. Louis!!

On Saturday, April 26, 2008, people who care about finding a cure to Huntington's Disease will gather for the Annual John Turner Memorial Walk at Tillis Park in St. Louis. The walk is part of a campaign to raise awareness and funds for the research, education and treatment of Huntingtion's Disease.

Huntington's Disease is a hereditary brain disorder that slowly robs the affected individual of the ability to walk, talk and reason. There are over 30,000 people in the U.S. currently diagnosed with HD and each of their siblings and children have a 50/50 chance of inheriting the disease.

This walk is in memory of my uncle who lived with Huntington's Disease for 14 years of his life and lived each day with a smile on his face. In 2004, my dad and his sister were diagnosed with the disease and 2006 my younger cousin decided to find out before she left for college and she tested positive for HD too.

If your family or someone you know suffers from this disease and you need some support, please think about joining us for our walk in St. Louis. Feel free to contact me anytime by email at for more information.

John Turner Memorial Walk

Saturday April 26, 2008

Tillis Park

Walk begins at 9a.m.


Thank You!!!

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scarlett garner

i am a health care worker that takes or has taken care of several individuals with Huntington's and have falling in love with all my heart goes out to each family that is dealing with this my prayers are constant my hope for

you and yours great. i am in a one income family so a financial offering i do not have but i do have time love patient and would help anyone with respite and donate my time if that would be of any help at all i live in Kansas city mo

Mar 13, 2011 10:36 PM