I got a nice compliment from a seller client that was nice to hear, but the reason for it wasn't as nice. She told me that I was by far the most professional agent she has dealt with in selling her home, which was why she listed with me. That was great to hear. Then she lamented her experiences with some of the agents who had shown her home, and that was jaw dropping.
The level of carelessness demonstrated by the showing agents was appalling.
- Lights left on
- Rear door left unlocked
- Cat was let outside, contrary to showing instructions.
She also noticed some agents showing up dressed like they were on their way to the beach. That was less of an issue in my mind, but still lame when you consider that we are talking about a three quarter of a million dollar piece of business. Slovenly dress I can overlook; slovenly actions, not so much.
The ethos of our industry has always been to leave homes we show in the same condition as we found them. If you turn lights on, turn them off before you leave. Secure the property to the same level as you found it (translation: lock the door!). And don't lock pets in rooms where they may make a mess or worse, let them out where they could be killed.
It isn't too much to ask. Leave the property as you found it.