
Why You Absolutely Want A HAWK!

Real Estate Agent with BronxValueHomes and Besmatch Real Estate


Why You Absolutely Want A HAWK!



By James Beech

Real Estate Consultant with and Besmatch Real Estate

May 14 2014



HousingWire recently ran a story about the new Federal Housing Administration (FHA) program, where it found that it could have a significant change on the mortgage landscape.

What does this mean for homeowners or people that would like to own a house in the Bronx?

It means if you are idling about making your home purchase, you are about to get an incentive to make a move.  It’s time to get a great deal. A Great place to search for homes is


The report goes on to say

 The FHA has a new program.  The program is called

 – Homeowners Armed With Knowledge or HAWK for short.

The HAWK program offers Housing and Urban Development (HUD) approved housing counseling provided by independent nonprofit organizations.  Potential buyers who attend counseling will get savings on their FHA-Insured Loans.


What’s the Big Lesson for Buyers?

Stop Idling.  Pamela Patenaude, the director of housing policy for the Bipartisan Policy Center Sais, the FHA’s Blueprint for Action is a timely and “promising” response to the issue of credit availability. “Importantly, the Blueprint recognizes that it is possible to responsibly increase mortgage access for underserved borrowers without exposing lenders and the taxpayers to significantly greater risk.”


What Does This Mean If You Are Thinking about Selling?

Expanding access to affordable mortgage credit means there will be more buyers available to purchase your property.  The weather is warming up, there will be large numbers of home buyers hitting the street.  It’s a great time to be a seller.


If you would like an estimate on how much you could sell your Bronx home for, click the link and we will get started figuring out how much your home will sell for. 


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James Beech

888-959-5876 and Besmatch Real Estate

4627 White Plains Rd

 Bronx, New York 10470