Well here I go...my first adventure into Web 2.0...Blogging! I wanted my first blog entry to be "special"...memorable you know but like some many things we build up in our minds, sometimes the "first" expeirence isn't always the best and perhaps there is something to be said for simply getting started.
I have a small (1 person) real estate shop here in Springfield and do everything from broker land and single family homes to manage personal rentals and remodel to commercial projects, such as workinng on a Build to Suit for a national tenant/user. Like most things, there are some are up sides and down sides to being a small shop. + I offer very personalized service as a small brokerage and quality control is very easy. The "blame" chain is pretty short. - There is something to be said for the commradery of working with/among your peers and there is alot of marketing and sharing amongst peers, assuming all are professionals. I suspect there are "support" groups out there for shops like mine...perhaps through blogging I will learn of them.
Well, if anyone reads this and has any thoughts, please feel free to share. Also, if you have any questions or topics anyone would like me to opine upon, Please share!