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The very word brings people to one wants to be evicted.

In Texas there is a very specific process for eviction starting with a Notice To Vacate that gives the tenant 3 days to pay or vacate.  After that, the eviction process begins at the court house.  


However,  I was wondering, as it seems most tenants scurry away after the eviction is posted and the sheriff shows up with a subpoena to tell them to show up to court,  does the eviction process proceed to it's conclusion.


On one hand, there is nothing to gain if the tenant has left the have what you wanted to file an eviction for in the first place.  

But on the other hand, if you can just run and not have to go to court, does that make it very much of a deterrent? 

So what about it...does the property manager contact the court and drop the case or do the property manager show up and let the judge know the tenant has cleared out there by completing the eviction process?

Bob Naylor

The landlord can still obtain a judgment for the rent and fees still due even if you have moved out. That judgment will be against the tenant. You should always go to court and if you have a complaint against the landlord let the judge know. You more then likely won't win but they may reduce the rent due or you can get lucky and the landlord is a no show. Also check your rights under the law at,

Oct 19, 2015 06:01 AM