
Lake Lanier Tax Assessments are out and appear HIGH

Real Estate Appraiser with Lanier Appraisal Service CR004373

Lake Lanier Tax Assessments came out in the mail a few weeks ago and our phone has been ringing off the hook. While everyone knows Lake Lanier property has been under assessed for many years. NOW the equalization or Re-Appraisal of all Lake Homes in Hall County, GA appear to be OVER-assessed. The pendulum has swung the other way and too far!

They are including your boat dock in the tax bill but not showing you how much your PERSONAL property (Boat Dock) is being valued or taxed under your REAL property Bill. You have to call their office to find out how much value they are placing on your dock. They appear to be incorrectly valuing your boat dock. I have a few owners who have been taxed on an ALUMINUM Dock (more expensive) as opposed to STEEL docks that are actually in place. 

They drove by the properties, walked the lot (supposedly) and drove by the lake side of the lake homes by boat. They did not complete interior inspections. They singled out Lake Lanier homeowners (those who pay the most in taxes due to value) not everyone else in Hall county....YET!

Based upon the number of assessments they completed they paid the Company - GMASS about $50.00 per report. I am a firm believer of you get what you pay for...and $50.00 does not cut it for proper valuation of Lakefront homes. Lots of assumptions have to be made here. Those who completed the valuations, you have to ask how many years experience do they have in appraising Lake Lanier properties?

If you need to appeal your taxes,  you need to act fast as you only have until the end of June, 2014 to make your appeal. 

If you would like a full appraisal with an interior/exterior inspection of your home for your appeal package, contact me and I can help you. 

Lake Lanier Appraiser  with over 20 years experience

Mary Thompson Lake Lanier Appraiser






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