
Let me introduce you to the vibrate switch!

Real Estate Agent with South Bay Brokers

Every Wednesday we have our office sales meeting although I realize that realtors are not always the most courteous group, their inability to control their phones never ceases to amaze me.  This is not always the most tech savvy crowd and I do realize that some people just forget to turn off their ringer but this morning just made me cringe.

The agent sitting next to me had his phone ring in the middle of the meeting and in a panic he dug his phone out of his pocket, fumbled with a few buttons and hit the ignore button.  Wouldn't it then make sense to put the phone on vibrate or silent?  Nope....2 more times the phone proceeded to ring, and two more times he scrambled to get it to stop.  Pretty unbelievable....even for realtors.It quickly reminded me of one of the many reasons I don't like sales meetings.

Maybe my 9 year old daughter should teach a class about how to use your phone and when to turn the ringer off.

I'm sure he learned his lesson....probably not.

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Jeff Fisher
PureWest Real Estate - Whitefish, MT

I have my phone on vibrate 24/7 for this very reason! It only takes one time in a movie theatre or important meeting to be reminded of how rude this can be.  

Jun 07, 2014 07:38 AM
Stefan Winter
Real Estate in IL & NV | Owner of Real Estate Web Tech | Daily Vlogger - Las Vegas, NV
Owner - Winter Group & Real Estate Web Tech

Guess you'll find out in the next meeting if he learned, my phone is on vibrate 99% of the time, I tend to turn on the sound if I am expecting somekind of important call just to make sure I hear it.

Jun 09, 2014 01:27 AM
Keith Kyle
South Bay Brokers - Hermosa Beach, CA

It really is pretty unbelievable that people don't get it.  Just like the title of my post indicates, I'm just not sure these people know there's an option beside the ringer.  I wonder if, after the 3rd time the turn off the wringer in a panic, they think....."I wish they would come up with some feature to turn the ringer off....that would really be something"

Jun 09, 2014 01:47 AM