As you may have heard, there's a big "Video Contest" being put on by your TEAM here at ActiveRain. This is a contest that EVERY SINGLE MEMBER should enter. You know that video is coming, and that it will be the next level of technology we MUST incorporate to stay or be competitive. You do know that right? :-) So get your video camera, and have some FUN!! You can't miss an opportunity like this one for sure!
Just look at these prizes:
Hotel accommodations for two nights
(the proceeds from our ticket purchase have already been donated to The Acumen Fund)
2nd Prize
A free video flip camera
3rd Prize
A free video flip camera
While you're all out playing with your videos for "BIG WINNINGS", I'll be having some fun of my own!!
Part of my new position and adventure here at ActiveRain includes focusing on RE.Net. I am working closely with the AR staff on some "new" ideas, products and tools for us as members. Your Real Estate Technology Division of ActiveRain is working diligently to test and implement some of the finest services and products available for its members. So, in an attempt to help you increase your Business and Blogging successes, I am currently looking at a new on-line "Video Platform" that may possibly be offered to you in the near future. (Not Just Yet though, sorry!!)
I am excited about the marketing and advertising capabilities of this new and much needed system. We are testing the "Video Platform" in many different areas. Here's just few:
- Ease of Use
- Cost Effective
- Value and Benefit
- Quality of Product
- Membership Interest
- Available Options
- System Support
- Effort vs Reward
I put together this test "Video Invitation" to see how it would look in a post. I realized this evening that we can't use HTML when posting directly to a group or private group. So, if you happen to find and stumble upon this post, I have ONLY two things to request from you:
1. You really should enter the "Video Contest" because it's FUN, it stimulates your competitive creativity, and it's worth cash and prizes, not just points. Be Creative, your readers will love it.
2. Understand that this post is just a test to see how well this video tool works with ActiveRain's Blogging Platform, and you have to promise me that you won't push and shove while lining up for this product. IT's NOT AVAILABLE YET!! But when it is, you'll be the first to know. :-)
Copyright Protected by those guys who Love finding this stuff Copied when it's Copyright Protected! LOL!~