
An ActiveRain Video Invitation

Education & Training with Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp Non-Licensed

As you may have heard, there's a big "Video Contest" being put on by your TEAM here at ActiveRain. This is a contest that EVERY SINGLE MEMBER should enter. You know that video is coming, and that it will be the next level of technology we MUST incorporate to stay or be competitive. You do know that right? :-) So get your video camera, and have some FUN!! You can't miss an opportunity like this one for sure!

Just look at these prizes:

1st Prize
1 ticket to the Day with Seth Godin event in New York City
Hotel accommodations for two nights
(the proceeds from our ticket purchase have already been donated to The Acumen Fund)
Round trip airfare to NYC. For one person, $500 maximum

2nd Prize
A free video flip camera

3rd Prize
A free video flip camera

While you're all out playing with your videos for "BIG WINNINGS", I'll be having some fun of my own!!

Part of my new position and adventure here at ActiveRain includes focusing on RE.Net. I am working closely with the AR staff on some "new" ideas, products and tools for us as members. Your Real Estate Technology Division of ActiveRain is working diligently to test and implement some of the finest services and products available for its members. So, in an attempt to help you increase your Business and Blogging successes, I am currently looking at a new on-line "Video Platform" that may possibly be offered to you in the near future. (Not Just Yet though, sorry!!)

I am excited about the marketing and advertising capabilities of this new and much needed system. We are testing the "Video Platform" in many different areas. Here's just few:

  • Ease of Use
  • Cost Effective
  • Value and Benefit
  • Quality of Product
  • Membership Interest
  • Available Options
  • System Support
  • Effort vs Reward

I put together this test "Video Invitation" to see how it would look in a post. I realized this evening that we can't use HTML when posting directly to a group or private group. So, if you happen to find and stumble upon this post, I have ONLY two things to request from you:

1. You really should enter the "Video Contest" because it's FUN, it stimulates your competitive creativity, and it's worth cash and prizes, not just points. Be Creative, your readers will love it.

2. Understand that this post is just a test to see how well this video tool works with ActiveRain's Blogging Platform, and you have to promise me that you won't push and shove while lining up for this product. IT's NOT AVAILABLE YET!! But when it is, you'll be the first to know. :-)

An ActiveRain Video Invitation

Copyright Protected by those guys who Love finding this stuff Copied when it's Copyright Protected! LOL!~

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Jeff Dowler, CRS
eXp Realty of California, Inc. - Carlsbad, CA
The Southern California Relocation Dude

Well I'm game, if I can find the time. TOo much going on with clients right now, which is great. Looking forward to hearing more, Brad.


Mar 28, 2008 03:11 PM
Brad Andersohn
Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp - Boulder Creek, CA
ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876

Virginia - (another post! hahaha!)  We got Katerina's Blog all fixed up.  She just has a couple more posts to repair and she's as good as new!!

My next post is a video I did with the Flip Video, I hope you like it. :-\  The Flip Video, you just pick, click, point, shoot, record, and Flip!  Then post it to your Blog!  Very Very Very cool!!  Did I hear someone say EBay and Camera's?  LOL!~

To post to a group, you go to the group first, create a new post, then submit it.  It only will be placed in that group and it will not show up on your regular Blog.  You can't post to multiple groups when you create a post in a group.  You also can't use HTML  (right now) when posting just to a group.

The flower reminded me of that too...that may bewhy I used it! hahaha!  :-) 

Mar 28, 2008 03:15 PM
Brad Andersohn
Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp - Boulder Creek, CA
ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876

I'll help you Wendy, let me know when you have some time to go over whatever challenges you feel have the power to make a 2 year old worthy of being a recipient of your inabilities!  Hahaha!  You really are just TOO Dog Gone funny! Don't ever change!!!  :-)

BTW - This is for you!!  

Mar 28, 2008 03:30 PM
Brad Andersohn
Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp - Boulder Creek, CA
ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876
Jeff - Glad to hear you're busy, that's a blessing!!  You should video some of your clients and post some testimonials.  Those might even get you busier!! :-))  Hope all is well my friend, I'll be seeing you soon...
Mar 28, 2008 03:32 PM
Virginia Hepp - Mesquite NV REALTOR
Desert Gold Realty - Mesquite NV Homes For Sale - Mesquite, NV
Mesquite NV Homes and Neighborhoods - Search MLS
Brad - thanks! Good news that I will be able to read Katerina again, she is one of my favorites, but sideways scrolling gets on my nerves. And I get the group-post thing. 2 suggestions 1) Start a private (members only) group to experiment with flip video blogs. 7) Start a private (backwards, slow-to-learn, technology impaired, sleep-deprived, over-caffeinated, possibly grumpy, occasionally suffering from flashbacks from the 60s members only) group to experiment with flip video blogs. I am not saying that this is intimidating to me, but I might mention that I am still bragging about the listing blog that I did and managed to put in the slide from
Mar 28, 2008 04:13 PM
Brad Andersohn
Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp - Boulder Creek, CA
ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876

Virginia - I am laughing so hard right now!  Thanks...and it's not something in the water! LOL!~  We have a private group to test this stuff. but right now it won't work because you can't use HTML.  Working on it!  

BTW - went to start a group called, " backwards, slow-to-learn, technology impaired, sleep-deprived, over-caffeinated, possibly grumpy, occasionally suffering from flashbacks from the 60s members only", but someone had already started that group!  Too bad, guess you'll just have to fasten your seatbelt and hang on for the rife! haha! 

PS. I am very proud of you putting your show together, I'm off to check it out now.... 

Mar 28, 2008 04:34 PM
Jason Todd
Compelling Media + Design - Halifax, NS
Please accept my resume to beta test your video system from a Canadian perspective. Free creativity included, possibly scenes of Peggy's Cove and tall ships and lobster and any other Nova Scotia stereotype I can capture on video and share with the AR community.
Mar 29, 2008 01:25 PM
Brad Andersohn
Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp - Boulder Creek, CA
ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876
Jason - so when do we start working together?  I'd love to share your perspective on AR, just let me know when where and I'm there! :-)
Mar 29, 2008 06:16 PM
Sylvia Barry
Coldwell Banker Previews International (#1 Marin_Sonoma_San Francisco_North_Bay) - San Rafael, CA
Marin and Sonoma Real Estate Leading Expert
So, here is my question, Brad.  Are you the real Real Estate Title Guy or the Real Estate Technology Guy?  Perhaps what  you should do is form a Real Estate Technology Consulting Company and bring all the Realtors on board.  Isn't this your true passion?  Oh, but make sure you still stay with Active Rain - I think I see darts coming from all the other realtors here.  Sorry!
Apr 01, 2008 03:37 PM
Brad Andersohn
Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp - Boulder Creek, CA
ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876
Sylvia - My hat is at AR now, my dart board stays in the garage! LOL!~  :-)
Apr 02, 2008 06:46 PM
Bill Somerset
Re/Max Realty Group - Dover, NH
ABR, e-PRO - Realtor - NH Real Estate Agent

I'm excited.  As soon as I saw a post by Sarah Cooper, I ran down and dusted off my Sony camcorder and went to work.  I'll have my first video post up by the end of this week! 

I'm also working on a video open house through the Century 21 and Youtube contest.  I'll be posting that at some point next week.

Look out Hollywood, here I come!  LOL!

Apr 03, 2008 01:54 AM
asdf zcxv
Keller Williams Realty - Ann Arbor, MI
Ann Arbor Area Real Estate
Thanks for the encouragement and I hope you like our finished product.  The video.  Did you enter one of your own?
Apr 04, 2008 12:24 PM
Debbie Summers
Charles Rutenberg Realty - New Smyrna Beach, FL
I know I'm not going to make the contest... But you've inspired me and I've just ordered my flip video camera... I can't wait to start using it.
Apr 06, 2008 11:51 AM
Brad Andersohn
Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp - Boulder Creek, CA
ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876
Bill - I hope you'll let us know when you get these posted, I can't wait to see what you put together. I'm sure they will both be fabulous.  Be sure to let me know, shoot me an email, a link, a comment, or even call me when you post!  Thanks!  :-)
Apr 06, 2008 07:56 PM
Brad Andersohn
Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp - Boulder Creek, CA
ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876
Karen - I'll go check out your video now.  I just got back into town, (my laptop missed me!) but I'll be over to see all the video contest entries.  I did not enter the contest, I don't think the AR staff is eligible, besides, If I know you, I wouldn't stand a chance anyway!  :-)
Apr 06, 2008 07:58 PM
Brad Andersohn
Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp - Boulder Creek, CA
ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876
Debbie - that is way cool!  Let me know if you need any help with it.  I will be doing an instructional post for both the Flip Video and Mixpo this next week. Hope you had a great weekend, and I know you'll love your camera when it comes!  Let me know when you get it ok? :-)
Apr 06, 2008 08:03 PM
Brad Andersohn
Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp - Boulder Creek, CA
ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876
Debbie - that is way cool!  Let me know if you need any help with it.  I will be doing an instructional post for both the Flip Video and Mixpo this next week. Hope you had a great weekend, and I know you'll love your camera when it comes!  Let me know when you get it ok? :-)
Apr 06, 2008 08:03 PM
Brad Andersohn
Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp - Boulder Creek, CA
ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876
Debbie - that is way cool!  Let me know if you need any help with it.  I will be doing an instructional post for both the Flip Video and Mixpo this next week. Hope you had a great weekend, and I know you'll love your camera when it comes!  Let me know when you get it ok? :-)
Apr 06, 2008 08:08 PM
Sandy Noll
(RSVP Real Estate) 425.890.0878 - Gig Harbor, WA
RE Pro Serving Snohomish to Thurston Counties
WOW!  I'm sorry to say I feel like I've been left behind in the caveman days with all this technology stuff.  I don't get all the widgets, twitter, gadgets!!  I thought I was doing pretty good just knowing how to copy and paste!!!  As always you have gone above and beyond! 
Apr 09, 2008 03:42 PM
Brad Andersohn
Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp - Boulder Creek, CA
ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876

Sandy - it's so nice to hear from you.  No such thing as the caveman days anymore.  The fact that you are Blogging puts you way out in front of the pack.  Just check out the Real Estate Statistics about REALTORS® Blogging, you're right on track!  Widgets, twitters and gadgets don't make up for all the great contributions you make inside and out of the "Rain". 

You are a huge asset to this community regardless of technology making you feel challenged!  Thanks, and I hope you'll join us tomorrow night when AR goes "Live" on the TBWS Late NIght Show.  See my most recent post!  Talk then....   :-)

Apr 09, 2008 07:31 PM